Hunter Biden’s lawyer, Abbe Lowell, has denied any improper conduct by his client after reports surfaced alleging that Hunter Biden sought assistance from the State Department while serving on the board of the Ukrainian company Burisma when his father, Joe Biden, was vice president. Lowell stated that in 2016, Hunter and others requested assistance from various individuals, including the then-ambassador to Italy, to help make an introduction to the president of Tuscany for a geothermal project Burisma was interested in pursuing. However, no meeting occurred, no project materialized, and no requests for assistance in the U.S. were made. Lowell stressed that this was a proper request and not uncommon for businesses seeking introductions from ambassadors.

The New York Times reported that Hunter Biden had sought assistance from the U.S. government for Burisma, citing State Department records. The report mentioned a letter from Hunter to the U.S. ambassador to Italy, although the actual content of the letter was redacted. The State Department indicated that these documents were part of an ongoing Freedom of Information Act request and would be made public in the future. A White House spokesman clarified that Joe Biden was unaware of his son’s interactions with the U.S. Embassy in Italy on behalf of Burisma while he was vice president. The Justice Department initiated an investigation into Hunter Biden’s foreign business dealings in 2018, but no charges were filed related to these activities.

Despite several congressional inquiries into Hunter Biden’s business dealings, allegations of criminal conduct by either the president or his son have not been substantiated. Lowell emphasized that Hunter’s letter was a routine request for an introduction, as many businesses make similar inquiries every day. The Times reported that a Commerce Department official advised Hunter against active advocacy with the Italian government without going through proper channels to support American companies doing business abroad. The project involving Burisma ultimately did not materialize, as confirmed by Lowell. U.S. Attorney David Weiss, who investigated Hunter Biden in 2018 and was appointed a special counsel in 2021, has brought indictments against him in Delaware on gun-related charges and in California on tax-related charges.

Hunter Biden faces trial in the California case next month after being found guilty on three gun charges in June in Delaware. Lowell defended Hunter’s actions, stating that seeking an introduction from the U.S. Embassy in Italy was a standard business practice and would not have raised concerns if it involved someone other than Hunter Biden. The investigation into Hunter Biden’s activities, which began during the Trump administration, did not result in any criminal charges. The State Department clarified that individuals often seek assistance from the department, which evaluates such requests and acts accordingly. While the controversy surrounding Hunter Biden’s interactions with the State Department has generated media attention, it remains to be seen whether any substantive legal actions will arise from these allegations.

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