A wrongful death suit has been launched against grocery store chain Stew Leonard’s and cookie manufacturer Cookies United following the death of 25-year-old professional dancer Órla Baxendale. Baxendale, who had a severe peanut allergy, died after consuming mislabeled Florentine cookies purchased from Stew Leonard’s. The complaint alleges that the cookies contained undeclared peanuts and other allergens, despite previous alerts from the manufacturer that went unheeded by Stew Leonard’s. The lawsuit accuses both companies of gross negligence and reckless disregard for consumer safety.

Stew Leonard’s recalled both the chocolate and vanilla varieties of the cookies in January 2024, acknowledging the labeling error and the possibility that someone had died due to the mislabeled product. Cookies United claimed to have notified multiple Stew Leonard’s employees of the recipe change in July 2023, but the grocery store did not update the ingredients label, leading to the tragic outcome. Stew Leonard’s CEO, Stew Leonard Jr., stated that about 500 units of the cookies were sold during the holiday season and that the company had removed all Cookies United products from stores in cooperation with the Connecticut Department of Consumer Protection.

The lawsuit alleges that Stew Leonard’s failed to properly respond to the email notification from Cookies United about the change in ingredients. Despite being informed about the addition of peanuts to the cookie recipe, Stew Leonard’s did not update the label, nutrition facts panel, or packaging of the cookies. The complaint claims that Baxendale’s death was a result of the defendants’ gross negligence, reckless indifference to consumer safety, and violation of rights. The lawsuit seeks justice for Baxendale’s estate and holds both Stew Leonard’s and Cookies United accountable for the tragic outcome.

Stew Leonard’s declined to comment on the pending litigation, while Cookies United did not respond to a request for comment. The lawsuit highlights the importance of proper labeling and transparency in food products, especially when it comes to allergens that can be life-threatening to individuals with severe allergies. The tragedy serves as a reminder of the potential consequences of overlooking food safety regulations and the devastating impact it can have on consumers. It is essential for companies to prioritize consumer safety and take necessary precautions to prevent incidents like the one that led to Baxendale’s untimely death.

The case has raised questions about communication between food manufacturers and retailers, as well as the responsibility of companies to ensure the accuracy of product labeling. The lawsuit against Stew Leonard’s and Cookies United underscores the need for accountability and transparency in the food industry to prevent similar incidents in the future. Consumers rely on companies to provide accurate information about allergens and ingredients in food products to protect their health and safety. The legal action taken in response to Baxendale’s tragic death sheds light on the importance of upholding food safety standards and holding companies accountable for their actions.

The lawsuit serves as a warning to companies in the food industry to prioritize consumer safety and comply with regulations to prevent avoidable tragedies. It also highlights the need for improved communication and oversight between manufacturers and retailers to ensure that products are properly labeled and free of allergens. By seeking justice for Baxendale’s estate, the legal action against Stew Leonard’s and Cookies United aims to hold them accountable for their alleged negligence and prevent similar incidents from occurring in the future. The lawsuit serves as a call to action for companies to prioritize consumer safety and take necessary precautions to prevent harm to customers.

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