A new coalition called Legislators for Safer Communities has been launched by a group of state legislators, local politicians, and nonprofits to address the stalemate on gun reform at the congressional level. The coalition aims to focus on state legislatures, where violence prevention advocates have achieved significant wins in recent years. The coalition supports ambitious reforms like banning assault-style weapons and mandating universal background checks, as well as lighter-lift measures such as safe gun storage laws and community violence intervention programs. Prominent gun reform groups like Brady, Everytown for Gun Safety, and March for Our Lives have partnered with the coalition, which includes 171 legislators from 43 states, ranging from different political backgrounds.

The coalition is nonpartisan but currently includes only Democratic politicians, with plans to broaden its reach in the future. Members of the coalition see the diverse political environments in various states as a strength, allowing them to learn from each other and tailor policy goals to local realities. State legislatures have been more receptive to gun reform in recent years due to the high rate of gun deaths, particularly gun violence affecting children and teenagers, and headline-grabbing mass shootings. Even relatively conservative legislatures have taken a tougher stance on gun violence, with Florida passing a gun safety bill with a red flag provision after the Parkland school shooting in 2018.

Members of the coalition, like Florida state Rep. Christine Hunschofsky, have personal experiences with gun violence and are committed to enacting policies proven to prevent such violence. Hunschofsky believes there is more room for reform than commonly believed, pointing to the success of the red flag provision in Florida and the willingness of former critics to support such measures. Other members, such as Nevada state Assembly Member Sandra Jauregui and Washington state Rep. Liz Berry, have also been personally impacted by gun violence. The coalition seeks to pass impactful policies at the state level in the absence of federal action, recognizing that state legislatures are where significant progress can be made.

The coalition aims to share best practices and coordinate efforts among its members to advance gun violence prevention strategies nationwide. By learning from successful initiatives in different states and considering the unique political landscapes of each state, the coalition hopes to save more lives and make a tangible impact on gun violence. Members acknowledge the gridlock in Washington, D.C., and the need for action at the state level to pass meaningful policy reforms. Each member of the coalition is dedicated to enacting policies that have proven to prevent gun violence and are focused on achieving the most impact possible through their legislative efforts.

Overall, the formation of Legislators for Safer Communities represents a concerted effort to address the issue of gun violence and push for meaningful reforms at the local and state level. By bringing together legislators from different states and political backgrounds, the coalition aims to leverage their collective expertise and experiences to advance violence prevention efforts. With a focus on both ambitious and practical reforms, the coalition seeks to make a tangible difference in reducing gun violence and protecting communities across the country.

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