Actress Lauren Graham shared a touching memory of the late actor Matthew Perry during her book tour in Washington, DC. She revealed that Perry had gifted her a pickleball set for her birthday in March 2023, just months before his tragic death. Graham explained that Perry was a close friend, despite not being a boyfriend, and that he had recently re-entered her life before his passing. She expressed disbelief over his death and described it as a terrible loss.

Matthew Perry passed away on October 28, 2023, at his home in Los Angeles after drowning in his hot tub due to his use of ketamine. Before his death, Perry had released a memoir titled “Friends, Lovers, and the Big Terrible Thing” where he opened up about his struggles with addiction, his time on the sitcom “Friends,” and his personal relationships. The memoir included a photo of Perry with Graham with a caption expressing admiration for her beauty.

During the book tour event, Graham recalled how happy Perry had been about the reception of his memoir. She shared that he was not only excited about its success but also about the opportunity it gave him to help others by sharing his struggles. Graham also reflected on the joy Perry brought into her life, emphasizing the laughter and happiness he brought to their friendship. She described him as someone who made her laugh like no one else and who radiated joy in his presence.

Graham’s relationship with Perry dated back to the early 2000s when they casually dated. Despite not becoming romantic partners, they remained close friends over the years, with Perry re-entering her life periodically. Graham highlighted the fond memories she had of Perry and the impact he had on her life. She expressed deep sorrow at his passing and described the void left by his death as a significant loss.

The audience at Graham’s Q&A event heard stories of her special connection with Perry and the admiration she had for him. She reminisced about the fond memories they shared and the laughter he brought into her life. Graham also emphasized the importance of Perry’s memoir in sharing his personal struggles and the impact it had on those who read it. She praised his dedication to giving back and helping others through his experiences.

In addition to Perry’s friendship, Graham mentioned her long-term relationship with actor Peter Krause, which lasted for over 10 years until their breakup in 2021. She acknowledged the impact Perry had on her life and the joy he brought into her world. Despite the sorrow of his passing, Graham cherished the memories of their friendship and the happiness he brought into her life. Overall, Graham’s heartfelt tribute to Perry showcased the deep bond they shared and the profound impact he had on her.

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