Lauren Goodger, a cast member of the reality TV show The Only Way is Essex, recently opened up about her decision to quit drinking alcohol. She shared that she had experienced panic attacks and anxiety related to drinking, especially after the traumatic loss of her second daughter and the death of her ex-partner. Lauren mentioned that giving up alcohol was part of her efforts to prioritize her mental health and focusing on being a parent to her daughter. She admitted that alcohol made her feel worse and triggered panic attacks, even though she used to enjoy drinks like pornstar martinis, wine, and prosecco. Lauren’s decision to go sober was driven by her desire to heal from past traumas and challenging experiences in her life.

Lauren reflected on her choice to stop drinking alcohol and how it has positively impacted her emotional well-being. She mentioned that her emotions used to be all over the place with alcohol, but now she prefers to socialize without consuming alcohol. Despite leaving the show The Only Way is Essex in the past, Lauren recently returned, revealing that she feels like she is on an upward trajectory and that the show has been instrumental in her healing journey. She expressed excitement about reconnecting with her old self and confronting her past challenges. Lauren also talked about past relationships, including with her ex-partner Mark Wright, from whom she had a tattoo that she has since removed. She shared candidly about her growth and development since her time on the show and how therapy and her new career have been pivotal in her life.

Lauren discussed the positive impact of her return to The Only Way is Essex on her mental health and overall well-being. She acknowledged the support and fulfillment she feels from being back on the show and reconnecting with fans. Lauren also mentioned her experiences with therapy and how it has helped her navigate her emotions and past traumas. Despite the challenges she has faced, Lauren expressed gratitude for the opportunity to share her journey with viewers and the platform the show provides her. She reflected on her decision to prioritize her daughter and protect her mental health by going sober, emphasizing the importance of self-care and healing.

Lauren shared her journey of giving up alcohol in a recent interview and how it has contributed to her growth and well-being. She admitted to experiencing panic attacks and anxiety, especially after traumatic events in her life, including the loss of her child and the death of her ex-partner. By choosing to quit drinking, Lauren has made a conscious effort to heal from her past experiences and prioritize her mental health. Her return to The Only Way is Essex has been a source of stability and joy for her, allowing her to confront her past and focus on positive aspects of her life. Lauren’s openness about her journey serves as an inspiration for those facing similar challenges and looking to prioritize their well-being.

Lauren Goodger’s decision to go sober and focus on her well-being has been a transformative journey for her. She shared candidly about the challenges she has faced, including loss and trauma, and how giving up alcohol has been a key part of her healing process. Her return to The Only Way is Essex has provided her with a platform to share her story and connect with fans, as well as confront her past and embrace her growth. Through therapy and self-reflection, Lauren has found a sense of peace and stability in her life, and her decision to prioritize her mental health has been a powerful step towards healing and self-care. Her openness and vulnerability serve as a beacon of hope for others facing similar struggles and seeking to prioritize their well-being.

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