Right-wing activist Laura Loomer, who has made controversial statements about 9/11 being an inside job, joined Donald Trump as he commemorated the anniversary of the attacks in New York and Pennsylvania. Loomer, who has posted anti-Islam and anti-immigrant content on social media, shared photos and videos of Trump visiting various sites associated with 9/11. Despite her past statements, Loomer said she was invited as a guest and does not work for the Trump campaign.

Trump, who has a history of associating with conspiracy theorists and falsehood spreaders, has regularly amplified posts on social media shared by individuals like Loomer. These individuals promote theories such as QAnon, which claim that Trump is fighting against a deep state. During the debate, Trump made baseless claims about migrants eating cats and dogs, further raising concerns about his reliance on false information and conspiracy theories.

Loomer’s increased presence in Trump’s inner circle comes as he has recently made staff changes, bringing back veterans of his previous campaigns such as Corey Lewandowski. Despite some of Trump’s allies expressing concern about Loomer’s extreme views, Trump has welcomed her into his circle and she has served as one of his fiercest supporters within the Republican Party.

In the past, Loomer has been involved in pro-Trump politics and has attracted controversy due to her associations with far-right groups like the Proud Boys. She ran for Congress in 2020 and 2022 as a Republican candidate but was ultimately unsuccessful in both races. Despite facing backlash for her extremist views, Loomer continues to be a vocal advocate for Trump and aligns herself with the Make America Great Again faction of the Republican Party.

While Loomer’s presence alongside Trump during the 9/11 commemorations may have raised eyebrows due to her past statements, she continues to be a prominent figure within the more extreme elements of pro-Trump politics. As Trump navigates his post-presidency and considers a potential 2024 campaign, his association with individuals like Loomer highlights the ongoing influence of conspiracy theories and far-right ideologies within his support base. Despite calls for Trump to distance himself from controversial figures like Loomer, he has shown no signs of doing so and continues to welcome their support.

Overall, Loomer’s participation in events commemorating 9/11 alongside Trump underscores the complex relationship between the former president and individuals who espouse extreme views and conspiracy theories. While Trump has faced criticism for amplifying falsehoods and conspiracy theories, his willingness to align himself with figures like Loomer reflects the ongoing influence of these elements within the Republican Party and the broader pro-Trump movement.

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