Miriam Nogueras, a member of Junts, addressed President Pedro Sánchez during a debate, questioning whether the citizens of Catalonia deserve fair financing. Sánchez responded affirmatively, stating that Catalonia, like all regions of Spain, deserves better funding. Nogueras emphasized that Catalans do not seek special treatment but rather what they are entitled to. She argued that it is not a privilege to be paid what is owed, stating that the best funding for Catalonia would come from becoming an independent state. Nogueras raised concerns about whether Catalans would only receive their fair share if Sánchez placed Salvador Illa in the Catalan government, or if they would be ignored.

Sánchez defended his government’s efforts for Catalonia and urged Nogueras to review the agreements made with ERC during the investiture. He clarified that the discussion was not about Illa’s investiture but rather about the commitments made to different parliamentary forces by the government. Nogueras pressed further on the issue of fair funding for Catalonia, highlighting the importance of receiving the necessary resources without needing any special treatment. She emphasized that Catalans should not have to rely on political appointments to receive what they are owed, pointing out that being paid what is fair is a basic requirement, not a privilege.

Nogueras reiterated that Catalans do not seek favors or special treatment but simply expect to be paid what is rightfully theirs. She criticized the notion that fair funding for Catalonia would depend on political alliances or appointments, stressing the need for a system that automatically allocates resources equitably. Nogueras argued that the best way to ensure proper funding for Catalonia is through independence, implying that self-governance would lead to a more just allocation of resources. She questioned Sánchez’s motives and commitment to providing fair funding, demanding that Catalans receive what they are entitled to without political conditions.

Sánchez maintained that his government is committed to working for the benefit of all regions, including Catalonia, and urged Nogueras to focus on the agreements in place rather than speculating on political appointments. He emphasized the need for cooperation and understanding between all parties to ensure a fair distribution of resources. Nogueras, however, continued to push for a more concrete commitment to equitable funding for Catalonia, refusing to accept conditional funding based on political alliances. The debate highlighted the ongoing tensions between Catalonia and the central government regarding financial autonomy and the perceived lack of fair treatment in resource distribution. Nogueras’s assertions underscored the importance of transparent and just funding mechanisms for all regions of Spain, particularly Catalonia.

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