García-Page, the President of Castilla-La Mancha, has strongly criticized the pre-agreement signed between the PSC (sister party of the PSOE in Catalonia) and ERC for the investiture of Salvador Illa. He described the pact as “obscene” and “disgraceful” as it goes against the concept of equality among Spaniards, which is the ideological foundation of the PSOE. He emphasized that the document does not represent or bind him, and stated that it is the opposite of what left-wing parties stand for. García-Page expressed his disbelief in the agreement, stating that it surpasses all limits and goes against the promises made to the citizens by the PSOE.

The agreement between ERC and the PSC includes a commitment by the State to provide Catalonia with its own financing system, allowing the region to collect all its taxes separately from the common regime. García-Page described this as “unacceptable” and “indefensible” for a socialist, as it would disrupt the constitutional balance. While supporting Salvador Illa for the role of Catalan President, García-Page insisted that the investiture should not come at the cost of other regions in Spain. He expressed his concern that previous actions, such as the pardoning of the leaders of the Catalan independence movement, the potential reform of the Penal Code, and the amnesty, have gone against the party’s promises to the citizens and are pushing the limits of acceptance.

García-Page highlighted his support for Salvador Illa to become the new Catalan president but stressed the importance of ensuring that the best outcome for Catalonia does not penalize other territories in Spain. He noted that the agreement with ERC would have negative implications for Spain as a whole and criticized the idea of giving in to the demands of separatist parties. García-Page made it clear that he, along with millions of others, would not compromise their values, principles, and ideology for the sake of political expediency.

Despite the approval of the agreement by the PSOE executive committee, García-Page strongly rejected the notion that the party would ultimately endorse the pact. He expressed his conviction that the PSOE would not support such a deal that goes against its fundamental beliefs and values. He warned against any misconceptions about the acceptance of the agreement, stating that it was not going to move forward. García-Page criticized the compromise with ERC as contrary to the principles and promises made by the PSOE and reiterated his stance against sacrificing the integrity of the party for temporary political gains.

In his institutional statement, García-Page expressed his disappointment with the direction that the pact with ERC was taking, emphasizing that it was a betrayal of the party’s core principles. He denounced the agreement as a selfish action that would harm the unity of Spain and the rights of all citizens. García-Page stood firm in his rejection of the pact and vowed to uphold the values of the PSOE despite the pressure to conform. He called for a reconsideration of the agreement to prioritize the interests of all regions in Spain and to uphold the constitutional framework that guarantees equality and justice for all.

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