A new alternative candidacy to Oriol Junqueras in ERC, called Nueva Esquerra Nacional, has been presented in Barcelona by supporters of Marta Rovira. The candidates, including Teresa Jordà and Marc Aloy, aim to bring new faces to the leadership of the party and shift the focus towards ideas rather than hyperleadership. They believe that new ways of doing things are necessary in the current political climate and emphasize the importance of preserving the work of figures like Junqueras and Rovira in different roles.

The team behind Nueva Esquerra Nacional also includes Xavier Godàs and Alba Camps, who believe in independence and left-wing principles but are open to discussing strategies for the present. While figures like the party’s general secretary and Rovira are not part of the new team, individuals close to them, such as Marta Vilaret and Helena Ricomà, have joined the candidacy. Additionally, the candidacy has been supported by Congresswoman Pilar Valluguera and Senator Sara Bailac. The group is willing to negotiate and engage in dialogue, including the possibility of forming a consensus list with Junqueras.

The members of Nueva Esquerra Nacional stress the importance of a collective narrative instead of focusing solely on individual leadership, distinguishing themselves from Junqueras’ past approach. They believe that there is a need to involve more people in the party and are committed to preserving Catalonia’s national identity, language, and culture until it achieves statehood. The candidates emphasize their dual commitment to independence and social progress, seeking to find a balance between these objectives in their approach.

The candidacy’s platform revolves around the idea of inclusivity and dialogue, seeking to engage in meaningful discussions about the future of Catalonia and the party. While they acknowledge the contributions of figures like Junqueras, Rovira, and Aragonès, they also advocate for a more diverse and collective leadership structure. They are determined to bring fresh perspectives and voices to the forefront of the party, ensuring that a wide range of opinions and ideas are represented within the leadership.

The proponents of Nueva Esquerra Nacional highlight their willingness to engage in negotiation and compromise, demonstrating their commitment to finding common ground and building consensus within the party. They see their candidacy as a way to foster a more inclusive and democratic internal debate within ERC, encouraging different voices to participate in shaping the party’s future direction. The team is composed of a mix of individuals who have supported different approaches in the past, reflecting a diversity of opinions and experiences within the party.

Overall, Nueva Esquerra Nacional represents a shift towards a more collective and inclusive leadership model within ERC, seeking to balance the importance of individual figures with a broader vision for the party’s future. The candidacy emphasizes the need for new ideas and approaches in response to the changing political landscape, signaling a desire for a more diverse and participatory leadership structure. By fostering dialogue and engagement, the team aims to create a more dynamic and responsive party that can effectively address the challenges and opportunities facing Catalonia.

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