The PP accuses Bolaños of leading a “lynching campaign” against Judge Peinado

The Popular Party (PP) has accused Minister of the Presidency, Justice and Relations with the Courts, Félix Bolaños, of “putting Justice at the service of (Pedro) Sánchez” and leading a “lynching campaign” against Judge Juan Carlos Peinado, who is investigating the wife of the Prime Minister, Begoña Gómez. During a government control session in the Congress, PP deputy Cayetana Álvarez de Toledo accused the government of “undermining” the public image of the judge investigating Begoña Gómez. She addressed Bolaños, stating that he was appointed minister “to put Justice at the service of Sánchez,” but has “failed” in the “mission to shield the president’s wife”, as the Court ruled on Tuesday to allow Judge Peinado to investigate her for embezzlement. Álvarez de Toledo accused Bolaños of leading a “lynching campaign” against the judge and requested that he “stop harassing judges” and apologize to Peinado “for damaging his right to honor”.

Bolaños responded by stating that judicial resolutions are respected and can be challenged through legal recourse or freedom of expression with respect and arguments. He criticized the PP for not respecting judicial resolutions and for intimidating prosecutors and officials, as well as destroying evidence with hammers. Bolaños expressed his “utmost respect” and “maximum confidence” in the courts and judges to act impartially, independently, and dispense justice. He concluded by suggesting that the PP should apologize to those affected by their statements once justice is delivered.

Álvarez de Toledo also questioned the government about the “new concessions” being prepared to gain the support of Junts to secure the vote of Carles Puigdemont. She criticized the government’s actions despite a recent trip to Switzerland and referenced Minister of Interior Fernando Grande-Marlaska’s previous remarks about wanting Puigdemont to be detained. She challenged Marlaska to detain and question Puigdemont’s representative, Cerdán, to uncover the concessions being prepared by the transparent government. Álvarez de Toledo warned Junts that Bolaños had promised Puigdemont an unenforceable amnesty and accused the government of blackmailing them. She concluded by highlighting the internal conflicts within the separatist parties.

The exchange in Congress highlights the tensions between the PP and the government regarding judicial independence, investigations involving political figures, and negotiations with separatist parties. The PP accuses Bolaños and the government of interfering with judicial processes for political gain and undermining the rule of law. Meanwhile, the government defends its actions as respect for the judiciary and due process, emphasizing the importance of impartiality and justice. The ongoing disputes between political parties reflect the broader complexities of governance in Spain, particularly concerning issues of regional autonomy and sovereignty.

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