The President of Castilla-La Mancha, Emiliano García-Page, has reiterated in an interview on Telecinco his opposition to the amnesty law and the special funding for Catalonia. He stated that if the amnesty had been good, they would have proposed it during the electoral campaign openly, but they did the opposite by denying it. Page also expressed concerns about whether anything goes to form a government, emphasizing that politics should have limits.

Regarding the fiscal agreement reached for Catalonia between the PSC and ERC, Page mentioned that nothing is set in stone. He distinguished between what the PSC might propose and what everyone agrees on, emphasizing that he wants the best for his party and the country. He clarified that his motivation is not to oust the government, but to defend the interests of what he believes is a majority in his region.

In his statements, Page also highlighted the importance of unity within the party and the need to focus on the common good. He emphasized that the political decisions made should reflect the interests of the people and not just serve the purpose of gaining power. Page’s stance on the amnesty law and the unique funding for Catalonia is based on his belief in upholding democratic principles and ensuring fair treatment for all regions.

The President of Castilla-La Mancha reiterated that his goal is to defend the interests of the majority in his region and to stand up for what he believes is right. He emphasized that his actions are motivated by a desire to protect the rights and welfare of the people, rather than simply aiming to gain political advantage. Page’s rejection of the amnesty law is rooted in his commitment to transparency and accountability in government, ensuring that decisions are made in the best interests of the citizens.

In conclusion, Emiliano García-Page’s opposition to the amnesty law and special funding for Catalonia stems from his commitment to upholding democratic values and advocating for the interests of the people. He believes that politics should have limits and decisions should be made with the common good in mind. Page’s focus on unity within the party and defending the rights of the majority reflect his dedication to serving the public and ensuring fairness and transparency in government actions.

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