Salvador Illa, the first secretary of the PSC, revealed that an offer was made to ERC to preside over the Catalonian Parliament, but the party rejected it. Illa emphasized the importance of generosity and extending a helping hand, stating that forming a government with ERC and Comunes is the way forward. He highlighted that the independence movement is a minority that has hindered progress in government, and believes that a progressive majority consisting of PSC, ERC, and Comunes is the only way to move forward with the legislative session. Illa expressed his hopes for a positive outcome despite his preferences for a different composition of the Parliament.

The XV Catalonian legislative term began with uncertainty as Josep Rull, a former minister and pardoned after the trial for the independence movement, will preside over a Parliament where the independence groups have control of the Mesa, the governing body, despite losing their absolute majority. Illa is determined to prevent any blockage in the legislative session and sees the only viable path as a progressive majority. He noted that Carles Puigdemont lacks the necessary votes for investiture, and emphasized his willingness to reach agreements similar to those made by the Basque parties, PNV and PSE, who recently formed a coalition government. Illa’s primary goal is to secure the investiture of the president of the Generalitat.

Regarding the controversial decision by the Mesa de Edad (Age Board) to dismiss the ruling of the Constitutional Court on the counting of delegated votes from elected deputies Carles Puigdemont and Lluís Puig, Illa acknowledged the criticism from the PP and Vox. He referenced the amnesty law as an opportunity to rectify past mistakes and move forward in accordance with the law. Illa reiterated his commitment to finding a solution to prevent a repeat election and stressed the importance of adhering to the legal framework to ensure a smooth and transparent legislative process.

Despite the challenges and criticisms from opposing parties, Illa remains hopeful and focused on building a coalition with ERC and Comunes to drive progress in the legislative session. He highlighted the importance of cooperation and collaboration among different parties, citing the example of the Basque coalition government as a model to follow. Illa’s determination to navigate the complex political landscape and secure the investiture of the Generalitat president demonstrates his commitment to effective governance and stability in Catalonia. The rejection of the offer by ERC to preside over the Parliament underscores the delicate balance of power and the need for consensus among the various political factions in Catalonia. Illa’s emphasis on a progressive majority as the only viable path forward reflects his strategic approach to governance and his vision for a stable and inclusive political environment in Catalonia.

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