Vox warns that the government of Illa will continue to neglect the use of Spanish in schools Vox’s Secretary General and leader of the party in the Catalan Parliament, Ignacio Garriga, has expressed concern that the new Catalan government led by Salvador Illa will continue to neglect the use of Castilian Spanish in schools. In an interview with Cope, Garriga stated that they will continue to be abandoned, and their rights will continue to be trampled on. He specifically mentioned the appointments of Esther Niubó as Education Minister and Francesc Xavier Vila as Language Policy Minister, the latter being a high-ranking official in the outgoing government of ERC. Garriga believes that Illa’s statement that Catalan is the backbone of the Catalan nation is a clear declaration of intent to exclude Spanish.

Garriga warned that this exclusion of Spanish in schools has been happening for the past 40 years, and Illa’s speech at his inauguration only confirmed their suspicions. He pointed out that Illa has supported the linguistic policies of Pere Aragonés and the official exclusion of Spanish. Vox plans to continue challenging these violations of rights in schools through legal means. Garriga emphasized the importance of children being able to be educated in the common language of their homeland, in this case, Spanish. Vox will take the matter to court to fight for this right, which they view as common sense.

The exclusion of Spanish in Catalan schools has been a point of contention for Vox, and they have been actively fighting against this practice. Garriga believes that Illa’s government will continue with this exclusion, as evidenced by his previous support for such policies. Vox sees the appointment of officials like Vila as further proof of Illa’s intentions. The party views this exclusion as a violation of the rights of Spanish-speaking citizens in Catalonia, and they are committed to taking legal action to address this issue.

Vox’s leader, Santiago Abascal, has made the defense of Spanish-speaking citizens’ rights a priority for the party. The continued exclusion of Spanish in schools is a direct threat to these rights, and Vox sees it as their duty to fight against this practice. The party has already taken steps to challenge the exclusion of Spanish in schools, and they plan to continue these efforts in the face of Illa’s government. Garriga’s comments reflect the party’s determination to protect the rights of Spanish-speaking citizens in Catalonia.

Overall, Vox sees Illa’s government as a continuation of the exclusion of Spanish in Catalan schools. The party believes that this exclusion violates the rights of Spanish-speaking citizens in the region and is a direct attack on their identity. Vox is committed to challenging this exclusion through legal means and has already taken steps to address this issue. The party’s leader, Santiago Abascal, has made this defense of Spanish-speaking citizens’ rights a priority, and the party will continue to fight against the exclusion of Spanish in schools under Illa’s government.

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