Isabel Rodríguez, the Minister of Housing and Urban Agenda, criticized the “moral lowliness” of the leader of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, and accused him of surpassing the far right in his irresponsibility by using an issue such as immigration to “seek social unrest”. She responded to Feijóo’s message on social media accusing the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, of encouraging irregular migration in his tour of Africa and promoting Spain as a destination instead of combating mafias.

Rodríguez pointed out that Feijóo initially entered politics claiming to be a moderate man who would bring sensibility to Spanish politics and not resort to tweeting policy. However, she believes that his message displays a “moral lowliness” that should not be allowed from the leader of a party like the PP. She expressed confidence that the majority of the PP’s members and Spanish society do not share Feijóo’s views, as they are beyond such irresponsibility in using immigration to incite social unrest, surpassing even the far right.

The minister emphasized that it is extremely inhumane to use the issue of migration for political gain and expressed hope that Feijóo would express remorse and delete his account to avoid repeating such a grave mistake of using people’s suffering for political purposes. She stressed the importance of maintaining a human perspective when dealing with migration, as individuals move due to the pain of wars and hunger, emphasizing the need to have a humane, secure, and orderly approach to addressing the issue both domestically and at the European level.

Rodríguez also questioned the political stance on migration advocated by the PP, asking whether it aligns with hatred, racism, and xenophobia, or if it has surpassed the far-right party Vox. She urged Feijóo to clarify the party’s position on migration and highlighted the need for cooperation between countries of origin and transit to effectively manage migration flows. She commended Spain’s efforts in working towards a migration and asylum pact at the European level, emphasizing the importance of a humanitarian approach to resolving the issue.

In conclusion, Rodríguez stressed the importance of maintaining a humanistic perspective when addressing migration and ensuring that individuals’ dignity and rights are respected. She called for a cooperative and orderly approach to migration management, emphasizing the need for solidarity and understanding in dealing with the complex issue. The minister’s remarks highlight the ethical imperative of not exploiting the suffering of migrants for political purposes and the importance of upholding democratic values and human rights in addressing migration challenges.

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