Estrella Galán, the candidate for Sumar in the upcoming European elections on June 9th, has denied that they are engaged in a “battle” with the Socialists in Europe. Instead, she stated that they are looking to have the same role in Europe as they do in Spain, forming a coalition in the European Parliament that will bring the PSOE closer to social policies and away from austerity measures. Galán emphasized that their focus is on policies that go against the interests of the people, rather than competing with specific parties.

Galán expressed the desire to form a coalition with the PSOE to combat austerity measures and work towards a more social Europe. She criticized the differences between the PSOE in Spain and in Europe, noting that the party in Europe is aligning itself with the PP, which is leaning towards the far right. She highlighted the neoliberal model that the populares and social democrats are following, warning that it could lead Spain into a severe crisis reminiscent of the 2008 financial crisis rather than addressing current issues.

The main challenge, according to Galán, is to halt the advance of far-right extremism that threatens the rights of citizens. She expressed concern over the spreading decline of progress, emphasizing the importance of resisting the far right’s influence. Galán also commented on the controversy surrounding the amnesty law passed in the Spanish Congress, attributing the criticism from the right to their refusal to accept election results. She defended the law as a measure of reconciliation to address unresolved issues and move forward.

In conclusion, Estrella Galán emphasized Sumar’s focus on combating policies that harm the people rather than engaging in political battles. She highlighted the importance of forming a coalition with the PSOE to promote social policies and resist austerity measures in Europe. Galán raised concerns about the alignment of the PSOE in Europe with the PP and emphasized the need to address the rise of far-right extremism that threatens citizens’ rights. She defended the amnesty law passed in Congress as a step towards reconciliation and urged for unity to address pressing issues facing Spain and Europe.

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