The seemingly uneventful summit of the PP barons over the unique financing of Catalonia will now be held with tensions running high. The disagreements within the PP on how to approach the funding system reform have been strategically set aside for later discussion. However, the individual invitation issued by Pedro Sánchez to the regional presidents has caused a stir on the eve of the forum. The PP barons are gathering in Madrid under Alberto Núñez Feijóo to demonstrate territorial strength against Catalan financing. But the President’s offer to meet at La Moncloa has overshadowed this display of unity. Madrid’s regional president, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, urges rebellion against Sánchez, skipping the Prime Minister’s invitation, while the national PP leadership gives its members the green light to accept the meeting. Some, such as the president of Murcia, Fernando López Miras, María Guardiola from Extremadura, and Carlos Mazón from Valencia, are willing to meet with the Prime Minister at La Moncloa.

The PP barons are set to meet in a unified front against the Catalonia financing issue, but the invitation from Pedro Sánchez to the regional presidents has disrupted the anticipated unity. The regional president of Madrid, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, has called for rebellion against Sánchez and has decided not to attend the meeting at La Moncloa, while the national leadership of the PP has allowed its members to decide for themselves whether to accept the invitation. Some members, such as Fernando López Miras from Murcia, María Guardiola from Extremadura, and Carlos Mazón from Valencia, are open to meeting with the Prime Minister. Despite the initial appearance of unity among the PP barons, the invitation from Sánchez has brought potential discord within the party to the surface.

The PP barons had initially planned to present a united front against the issue of Catalonia’s unique financing, but the unexpected invitation from Pedro Sánchez has thrown a spanner in the works. The regional president of Madrid, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, has urged a rebellion against Sánchez and has chosen to boycott the meeting at La Moncloa. The national leadership of the PP has given its members the freedom to decide whether to accept the invitation or not. Some members, like Fernando López Miras from Murcia, María Guardiola from Extremadura, and Carlos Mazón from Valencia, are open to meeting with the Prime Minister. The display of unity among the PP barons has been overshadowed by the division caused by Sánchez’s invitation.

The meeting of the PP barons, initially intended to show unity on the issue of Catalonia’s financing, has been disrupted by Pedro Sánchez’s invitation to the regional presidents. Madrid’s regional president, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, has called for a rebellion against Sánchez and has decided not to attend the meeting at La Moncloa, leading to potential divisions within the party. The national leadership of the PP has allowed its members to choose whether to accept the invitation, with some members, including Fernando López Miras from Murcia, María Guardiola from Extremadura, and Carlos Mazón from Valencia, open to meeting with the Prime Minister. Despite efforts to present a united front, the PP faces internal discord over the unexpected invitation from Sánchez.

The PP barons have gathered in Madrid to present a united front against Catalonia’s financing issue, but Pedro Sánchez’s invitation to the regional presidents has caused a stir. Madrid’s regional president, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, has called for a rebellion against Sánchez, opting out of the meeting at La Moncloa. The national leadership of the PP has allowed members to decide whether to accept the invitation, with some, such as Fernando López Miras from Murcia, María Guardiola from Extremadura, and Carlos Mazón from Valencia, willing to meet with the Prime Minister. The show of unity among the PP barons has been disrupted by internal disagreements over Sánchez’s unexpected invitation, highlighting potential divisions within the party. Despite initial attempts to present a unified front, the PP now faces challenges in maintaining cohesion on the Catalonia financing issue.

The PP barons had planned to unite against the issue of Catalonia’s unique financing, but Pedro Sánchez’s invitation to the regional presidents has created tension within the party. Madrid’s regional president, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, has called for rebellion against Sánchez, declining the meeting at La Moncloa. The national PP leadership has allowed members to decide on accepting the invitation, with some like Fernando López Miras from Murcia, María Guardiola from Extremadura, and Carlos Mazón from Valencia, willing to meet with the Prime Minister. The original unity among the PP barons has been overshadowed by internal divisions caused by Sánchez’s invitation. The party now faces challenges in maintaining cohesion and addressing the Catalonia financing issue in a unified manner amidst internal disagreements.

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