Ceuta’s president, Juan Jesús Vivas, is calling for “help” to address the migrant crisis, stating that the autonomous city has already exhausted its annual budget for caring for unaccompanied minors due to the recent increase in arrivals. He is urging the cooperation of the government and all autonomous communities to solve the situation. Vivas believes that this is a matter of state regardless of political affiliations and interests, emphasizing the overwhelming situation with over 500 unaccompanied minors.

In an interview with TVE, Vivas acknowledged the collaboration with the Ministry of Youth and Infancy but stressed that more support is needed. He emphasized the need for involvement from all ministries, the entire government, and all autonomous communities to provide physical resources for accommodating the increasing population. With an average of 20 minors arriving per day, Vivas emphasized the need for shelter capacity and financial resources to meet their needs.

Vivas refrained from engaging in controversy over the rejection of the PP to support the migration reform, stating that the PP shares the understanding that Ceuta requires immediate and urgent action. He noted that PP President Alberto Núñez Feijóo is sensitive to the situation and called for efforts from both parties to reach an agreement. Vivas emphasized the need for immediate action to address the uncontrolled crisis while also implementing structural measures to prevent future occurrences, calling for a national consensus.

While acknowledging the willingness and solidarity of autonomous communities, particularly citing the efforts of the Andalusian government in supporting Ceuta, Vivas stressed the limitations faced by regional governments. He reiterated the importance of resolving the crisis at a national level, as the people of Ceuta do not understand why this issue is not considered a problem for the whole of Spain. Vivas highlighted the need for broader support and structural measures to address the root causes of the crisis and prevent future occurrences.

Vivas’s plea for assistance underscores the urgent need for a comprehensive and coordinated response to the migrant crisis in Ceuta. With resources depleted and the situation becoming increasingly dire, Vivas is calling for a united effort from all levels of government to provide the necessary support and resources to address the immediate needs of the unaccompanied minors and ensure the long-term sustainability of the response. By emphasizing the non-partisan nature of the crisis and the need for a national consensus, Vivas is highlighting the urgency of the situation and the need for collective action to prevent further human suffering and address the root causes of the crisis.

In conclusion, Juan Jesús Vivas’s appeal for help in addressing the migrant crisis in Ceuta serves as a stark reminder of the challenges faced by the autonomous city and the need for a coordinated and comprehensive response to the ongoing influx of unaccompanied minors. As resources are stretched thin and the situation becomes increasingly dire, Vivas’s call for a national response underscores the urgent need for unity and cooperation to address the immediate needs of those affected and implement sustainable solutions to prevent future crises. By highlighting the importance of a non-partisan approach and the need for structural measures to address the root causes of the crisis, Vivas is urging all stakeholders to come together to find a lasting solution to this humanitarian challenge.

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