Alberto Núñez Feijóo, leader of the PP, has once again urged Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez to call for early elections. He believes that prolonging the current situation is not sustainable, pointing out that Sánchez has recently lost the European elections, faced judicial scrutiny, disappointed voters in Catalonia, been surrounded by corruption scandals, and witnessed the resignation of a vice president. Feijóo described Sánchez’s government as overwhelmed, paralyzed, and trapped by corruption, with his coalition partners either failing or deserting him, leading to defeats in Congress.

In response, Sánchez has asserted that elections will take place as scheduled, three years from now. He accused Feijóo of contributing to the rise of another far-right group, led by Alvise Pérez, through his own polarization and far-right rhetoric. Sánchez even went as far as to suggest that Feijóo was acting as a spokesperson for the far-right organization Manos Limpias, after Feijóo repeated allegations from the group against his own brother.

The tension between Feijóo and Sánchez highlights the political polarization in Spain, with each leader accusing the other of contributing to the polarization. Feijóo believes that Sánchez’s government is in crisis and incapable of functioning effectively, while Sánchez accuses Feijóo of aligning himself with far-right ideologies and groups. Both leaders are facing challenges within their own parties and coalitions, as well as in the broader political landscape of Spain.

Feijóo’s call for early elections reflects the growing discontent with Sánchez’s government and its handling of various issues, including corruption scandals and Catalonia’s political situation. Feijóo sees an opportunity to capitalize on this discontent and regain power for the PP, while Sánchez is determined to maintain his position and complete his term as Prime Minister. The exchange between the two leaders highlights the ongoing power struggle and uncertainty in Spanish politics.

As the political landscape in Spain continues to evolve, it remains to be seen how the conflict between Feijóo and Sánchez will play out in the coming months. Both leaders will face challenges in navigating their respective political landscapes and maintaining support within their parties. The debate over early elections and the accusations of alignment with far-right ideologies underscore the deep divisions within Spanish society and the challenges facing the country’s political future.

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