Salvador Illa, leader of the PSC and president of the Generalitat, expressed gratitude for being elected as president thanks to the collective effort of the PSOE. Speaking at the closed-door Federal Committee meeting, Illa acknowledged the seven-year anniversary of the Catalan Parliament’s approval of the laws for secession, which sparked the “biggest territorial crisis” in democracy. He emphasized that solidarity will never be questioned by the PSC, and that his position is the result of the collective effort of all. Illa pledged to reciprocate the enthusiasm, conviction, selfless effort, and support received from socialists across Catalonia.

Highlighting the current situation as the outcome of a specific, methodical, decisive, audacious, and flexible political action with a clear objective by the PSOE, Illa stressed the unwavering defense of the framework of coexistence. He made a point of acknowledging the solidarity and support from socialist federations in various regions, including Huesca, Andalucía, Aragón, Valencia, Extremadura, Madrid, Castilla-La Mancha, Castilla y León, País Vasco, Galicia, Cantabria, Asturias, Baleares, and Canarias. Illa recognized the support received from these regions during challenging times faced by socialists in Catalonia.

Illa underscored the importance of unity and collaboration among the different socialist federations, emphasizing the strength that comes from standing together in times of crisis. He highlighted the mutual support and solidarity that has been crucial during difficult moments, expressing gratitude for the gestures of goodwill and assistance received from fellow socialists across Spain. Illa’s speech emphasized the value of a collective effort and the power of standing in solidarity with one another to overcome challenges and work towards a common goal of progress and unity.

The President of the Generalitat reiterated his commitment to upholding the principles of solidarity and support within the PSOE, emphasizing the need for unity and collaboration to address the current political and social challenges facing the region. Illa’s remarks reflected a message of gratitude and recognition for the collective effort that has led to his presidency, underscoring the importance of standing together as socialists to navigate through difficult times and build a stronger, more united community. His speech resonated with a call for continued solidarity and collaboration within the party and across different regions to foster a sense of shared purpose and resilience in the face of adversity.

Salvador Illa’s speech at the Federal Committee meeting served as a reminder of the importance of unity and solidarity within the PSOE and among socialist federations across different regions. By acknowledging the support and solidarity extended by fellow party members and embracing a collective approach to addressing challenges, Illa emphasized the power of working together towards common goals. His message of gratitude and recognition for the collective effort that has brought him to his current position as president reflected a commitment to upholding the values of cooperation, unity, and mutual support within the party and across regions in Spain. Illa’s speech resonated with a call for continued solidarity and collaboration to overcome challenges and build a stronger, more resilient socialist community.

In conclusion, Salvador Illa’s speech at the Federal Committee meeting underscored the importance of unity, collaboration, and solidarity within the PSOE and among socialist federations across Spain. By expressing gratitude for the collective effort that has led to his presidency and recognizing the support and solidarity received from fellow party members, Illa emphasized the strength that comes from standing together in times of crisis. His message resonated with a call for continued cooperation and collaboration to address challenges and work towards a shared vision of progress and unity. Illa’s speech reflected a commitment to upholding the principles of solidarity and support within the party, and to working together towards a brighter future for all socialists in Spain.

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