The spokesperson for the PSOE, Patxi López, criticizes the Popular Party (PP) for opposing, without knowing them, the measures for democratic regeneration and against misinformation that the government will present on Tuesday, despite recently supporting very similar measures in Brussels. López mentioned that the measures will affect all branches of the State (executive, legislative, and judicial) and the media, including the disclosure of media ownership and public resources received. This is aimed at providing transparency to citizens so they can understand the bias and interests behind each media outlet and make informed decisions.

López acknowledged that disclosing ownership and resources alone will not eliminate misinformation. The debate will go further to address the spread of rumors that misinform people. He emphasized the importance of the public receiving accurate information and stated that the government’s proposal will be debated and improved upon in Congress. López questioned why the PP would vote in favor of similar measures in Brussels but oppose them in Spain, calling it “tremendous.” He urged the PP to focus on constructive dialogue instead of attacking the government for the sake of it, using arguments that are detached from reality.

The PSOE spokesperson highlighted the need for measures to combat misinformation and promote transparency in the media landscape. By transposing a European directive that requires media outlets to disclose their ownership and public resources, the government aims to empower citizens with knowledge about the interests behind each media organization. López stressed the importance of citizens having access to accurate information and making informed choices based on that information. He emphasized that the goal is to address the spread of misinformation and ensure that citizens are well-informed.

López criticized the PP’s opposition to the government’s proposed measures, pointing out the inconsistency between their support for similar measures in Brussels and their opposition in Spain. He called on the PP to focus on constructive engagement with the government rather than resorting to baseless attacks. López emphasized the importance of transparency and accountability in the media sector to combat misinformation effectively. He expressed confidence that the government’s proposal would be debated and refined in Congress to address the challenges posed by false information.

The spokesperson for the PSOE, Patxi López, called for measures to address the spread of misinformation and enhance media transparency. By requiring media outlets to disclose their ownership and public resources, the government aims to empower citizens with information about the interests behind different media organizations. López emphasized the importance of citizens receiving accurate information to make informed decisions and highlighted the government’s commitment to combating misinformation effectively. He criticized the PP’s opposition to the proposed measures, urging them to engage constructively with the government and focus on addressing the challenges posed by false information.

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