The Spanish Foreign Minister, Jose Manuel Albares, has stated that Spain will not recognize the victory of either Nicolas Maduro or opposition candidate Edmundo Gonzalez in the recent Venezuelan elections unless the election records are made public and can be verified. Albares has not ruled out the possibility of the EU imposing new sanctions on Venezuela if the regime refuses to publish the election records. He emphasized that Spain will not recognize any election results without these records, citing concerns raised by organizations such as the Carter Institute and a UN electoral panel. Albares stated that Spain’s role is to establish bridges between the government and the opposition in Venezuela.

In an interview with Cadena SER, Albares reiterated his commitment to dialogue with both the Venezuelan government and the opposition. He emphasized the importance of verifying the election results to uphold the democratic will of the Venezuelan people. When asked directly if Venezuela was a dictatorship, Albares responded that the Venezuelan people were able to vote freely in the recent elections, but the challenge lies in ensuring that the democratic will of the people is respected. He expressed his concern over the lack of transparency in the electoral process and the need for accountability.

Albares also addressed the issue of recognizing the opposition’s victory in the elections, noting that previous recognition of opposition leader Juan Guaido did not lead to progress in advancing democracy in Venezuela. He emphasized the need for concrete actions and transparency to ensure that the democratic process is upheld in Venezuela. Albares stated that Spain’s stance on the Venezuelan elections is based on the principle of accountability and transparency, and that recognition will only be granted once the election records are made public.

The Spanish Foreign Minister’s statements reflect growing international scrutiny of the recent Venezuelan elections and concerns over the lack of transparency in the electoral process. Albares’ insistence on verifying the election results before recognizing any victor highlights the importance of upholding democratic principles and ensuring that the will of the people is respected. Spain’s stance on Venezuela also underscores the broader EU position on the issue, with the possibility of new sanctions being considered if the regime fails to meet transparency standards.

In conclusion, Jose Manuel Albares’ remarks on the Venezuelan elections signal Spain’s commitment to promoting democracy and transparency in international affairs. By emphasizing the need for verification of election records and stressing the importance of respecting the democratic will of the Venezuelan people, Albares is sending a clear message about the integrity of the electoral process. It remains to be seen how the Venezuelan regime will respond to these calls for transparency and accountability, and whether new sanctions from the EU will be imposed if the regime fails to comply. Ultimately, the outcome of the Venezuelan elections and the international response will have significant implications for the future of democracy in the region.

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