Alberto Núñez Feijóo, leader of the Popular Party (PP), has criticized the pact between ERC and the Catalan Socialist Party (PSC), claiming that the independence movement in Catalonia only needs a government that allows it to take control of the region’s institutions. Feijóo believes that the upcoming federal congress of the Spanish Socialist Workers’ Party (PSOE) will result in a purge of leaders from the old Socialist Party, aligning them behind Pedro Sánchez, the current leader. Feijóo made these comments at an event where he introduced Jorge Azcón, the President of Aragón, and emphasized the importance of unity in Spain and the role of regional governments in promoting prosperity.

Feijóo’s remarks reflect his opposition to the government’s approach to handling the situation in Catalonia and its relationship with the PSOE. He accuses the government of prioritizing the interests of a few individuals over the well-being of the country as a whole, and of using regional autonomy as a divisive tool rather than a source of security and prosperity. Feijóo’s comments also highlight the challenges within the PP, including disagreements among regional leaders over the direction of the party and the reform of the financial system. Despite these internal tensions, Feijóo remains committed to presenting a united front and working towards a common model of financial reform.

Feijóo’s criticism of the government’s handling of the Catalan situation extends to his perception of their relationship with the independence movement. He believes that the government’s willingness to align with the demands of the independence movement in Catalonia is a dangerous precedent that could jeopardize the unity and stability of Spain. Feijóo sees the upcoming PSOE congress as a turning point in this alignment, predicting a purge of leaders within the party who do not support Sánchez’s position. By highlighting the potential consequences of this alignment, Feijóo aims to rally support for his vision of a united Spain that values regional autonomy as a means of promoting prosperity and security.

In addition to criticizing the government’s alignment with the independence movement, Feijóo also emphasizes the importance of unity within the PP and the need for a coherent approach to financial reform. He acknowledges the disagreements among regional leaders within the party but remains optimistic that a common model for reform can be presented. Feijóo’s focus on unity and collaboration reflects his commitment to presenting a strong, cohesive front in the face of internal challenges and external threats to Spain’s stability and prosperity. By highlighting the potential benefits of regional autonomy as a tool for promoting prosperity, Feijóo seeks to position the PP as a party that values unity and cooperation above all else.

Overall, Feijóo’s comments at the event reflect his strong stance against the government’s approach to handling the Catalan situation and his commitment to presenting a united front within the PP. He criticizes the government’s alignment with the independence movement and sees the upcoming PSOE congress as a critical moment in this alignment. Feijóo stresses the importance of unity within the PP and the need for a coherent approach to financial reform. His remarks highlight the challenges facing Spain and the importance of regional autonomy in promoting prosperity and security. Despite the internal tensions within the party, Feijóo remains confident in the ability of the PP to present a united front and work towards a common model of financial reform that benefits all regions of Spain.

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