Podemos, a Spanish political party, believes that the recognition of Palestine as a state is not enough and is demanding that the Spanish government break off relations with Israel. The party’s general secretary, Ione Belarra, stated on her personal social media account that cutting ties with Israel is the minimum response that a “dignified country” should offer in light of recent events. Belarra views the recognition of Palestine as only a small step in stopping Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu’s actions, and she believes that refusing to buy and sell weapons to Israel and severing diplomatic ties are necessary for a dignified country. Additionally, Podemos candidate Irene Montero criticized Spain for being one of the last countries to recognize Palestine as a state, attributing this delay to European countries’ submission to the interests of the United States and Israel, whom she believes Spain and Europe are complicit with. She also criticized Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez for not using the term “genocide” when discussing the situation.

Podemos is calling for more actions to be taken against Israel, with Podemos MP Javier Sánchez Serna specifically advocating for a total arms embargo, sanctions against Israeli leaders, support for international demands, and cutting off all commercial and diplomatic relations with Israel. The party believes that these measures are necessary in response to what they see as a genocide being committed by Israel. The party’s stance is in line with other global calls for Israel to be held accountable for its actions in recent conflicts. Podemos is vocal in its condemnation of the violence and has consistently criticized Israel’s actions, pushing for concrete steps to be taken in response to what they view as human rights violations.

The demand for the Spanish government to cut off relations with Israel highlights the strong stance that Podemos is taking on the issue of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The party views the recognition of Palestine as only a small step towards addressing the larger issue at hand and calls for more significant actions to be taken to stop what they see as atrocities being committed by Israel. By advocating for a complete embargo on arms sales, sanctions on Israeli leaders, and breaking off diplomatic and commercial ties, Podemos is taking a firm stance against what they view as a genocidal actions by Israel and is calling for concrete measures to be taken by the Spanish government.

The criticism of Spain and Europe for their complicity with Israel and their delay in recognizing Palestine as a state demonstrates Podemos’ view that more needs to be done to address the ongoing conflict. The party believes that Spain and other European countries have been too submissive to the interests of the United States and Israel and have failed to take a strong stance against the human rights violations that they believe Israel is committing. By calling for a full embargo on arms sales and other measures, Podemos is seeking to hold Israel accountable for its actions and to push for a stronger response from European countries to address the conflict.

Overall, Podemos’ demands for the Spanish government to break off relations with Israel represent a significant step in the party’s efforts to address the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. By calling for concrete actions such as an arms embargo and sanctions, Podemos is seeking to hold Israel accountable for what they view as human rights violations and to push for a stronger response from the Spanish government and other European countries. The party’s firm stance on the issue highlights its commitment to addressing what it sees as atrocities being committed by Israel and its call for concrete measures to be taken in response.

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