Cuca Gamarra, the secretary general of the PP, has called on the Second Vice President of the Government and Minister of Labor, Yolanda Díaz, leader of Sumar, to take responsibility, “appear and give explanations” after the resignation of Íñigo Errejón following public allegations of abuse and sexist behavior. Gamarra questioned why, if the issue had been known “for more than a year,” it was covered up. She mentioned that in their parties, in Más Madrid and in Sumar, this was known and covered up. Gamarra believes Yolanda Díaz should take political responsibility, appear and provide explanations, as not only did she not denounce it, but she also made Errejón parliamentary spokesperson and “promoted him in politics.” Therefore, Gamarra insists that Sumar and Más Madrid must provide explanations.

Gamarra also referred to the resignation letter in which Errejón announced his resignation without openly addressing the reason. She stated that what lies behind that letter is the lack of truth in left-wing politics in Spain, when it speaks of a person and a character, it refers to a great lie, there was no truth in it. She criticized the coalition government, which defined itself as “the most feminist in history and a champion against corruption,” now crumbling like a big lie. Gamarra mentioned that the PP has a protocol for these types of complaints under the law passed by the government, the “only yes means yes” law. She noted that while they approved the law, they had individuals with such behaviors who were not reported, implying hypocrisy in their actions.

Gamarra stated that she had no knowledge “at all” of the events because Errejón “was not part” of her circle. She expressed her solidarity and support to the women who have reported this situation. Gamarra suggested that the political left in Spain lacks truthfulness, especially when it comes to matters of feminism and corruption. She criticized the inconsistency between the supposed values and actions of the coalition government, which have now been brought into question. Gamarra highlighted the importance of taking allegations of abuse and sexism seriously, regardless of the political affiliation of the individual involved.

In conclusion, Gamarra emphasized the need for accountability and transparency in addressing issues of misconduct and abuse, regardless of the political context in which they occur. She called for Yolanda Díaz and the parties involved to provide explanations and take responsibility for their handling of the situation involving Íñigo Errejón. Gamarra criticized the lack of integrity in left-wing politics and the contradiction between professed values and actual behavior. She highlighted the importance of supporting and believing women who come forward with allegations of abuse and called for a consistent application of laws and protocols to address such issues effectively.

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