International migration to the United States played a significant role in population growth in 2023, as more than 1.1 million people moved to the country, driving increases in some of the largest urban counties. The influx of international migrants helped these areas recover from the loss of residents and businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic. According to U.S. Census Bureau figures, newcomers from abroad accounted for more than two-thirds of the population growth in the country last year. While population estimates show which counties attracted international migrants, they do not distinguish between those in the country legally or illegally.

In Florida, Miami-Dade County saw the arrival of over 54,000 people last year, the highest of any county in the U.S. Florida as a whole received more than 178,000 international migrants, with a majority going to the state’s most populous and urban counties. Many of these migrants have cases pending in immigration court, with Miami and Orlando having some of the largest dockets for cases of migrants placed in removal proceedings. The increase in international migration in Florida also reflects pent-up demand that was postponed during the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic.

California also saw significant international migration, with Los Angeles County receiving an influx of over 40,300 people, helping to offset the departure of local residents. Large numbers of international migrants also flocked to counties that are home to cities such as San Diego, Anaheim, San Jose, and Oakland. The largest numbers of international migrants to California came from Mexico, China, and India. In the District of Columbia suburbs, urban cores attracted international migrants, with counties like Montgomery and Prince George’s in Maryland experiencing high numbers of international migrants.

Utah and Idaho saw among the greatest growth rates of international migration in 2023, with Ada County in Idaho and two counties in Utah being home to regional tech hubs. The rise in international migration in these states may be partially attributed to the return of U.S. citizens who were abroad as well as the end of missionary stints for Latter-day Saints missionaries. Nevada, on the other hand, saw a significant drop in international migration, particularly in Clark County, home to Las Vegas. The decrease in international migrants in Nevada may have been driven by economic factors, as the state had the highest unemployment rate in the country.

Overall, international migration played a crucial role in shaping population growth trends in various states and counties across the U.S. In some areas, the influx of international migrants helped offset losses from local residents, contributing to the recovery of urban areas. As the debate around immigration continues to be a hot-button issue in the U.S., understanding the impact of international migration on local communities is essential for policymakers and researchers to address the changing demographics of the country.

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