On Friday, May 17th, the political scene in Spain is dominated by the aftermath of the Catalan elections and the pre-campaign for the upcoming European elections on June 9th. At 11:00, Vox presents the first 10 candidates for the European elections, with party leader Santiago Abascal and candidates Jorge Buxadé, Hermann Tertsch, and Juan Carlos Girauta taking part. At 13:15, the Deputy Secretary General of the Popular Party, Esteban González Pons, unveils the party’s campaign slogan for the June 9th elections. Later in the day, at 19:00, the leader of the Sumar party, Yolanda Díaz, participates in an event in Jerez alongside the top candidate for the European elections, Estrella Galán, candidate Manu Pineda, and Congress spokesman Íñigo Errejón.

The focus on the European elections is evident in the activities of various political parties, with candidates being introduced and campaign slogans being unveiled. Vox, a right-wing party, is seeking to make an impact in the European elections by presenting their candidates and engaging in campaign activities. The Popular Party, on the other hand, is also gearing up for the elections by announcing their campaign slogan through their Deputy Secretary General. Meanwhile, the Sumar party is holding events with their leader and top candidates to garner support for the upcoming elections.

The involvement of key political figures such as Santiago Abascal, Esteban González Pons, and Yolanda Díaz in the European elections highlights the importance of this electoral event for the Spanish political landscape. These leaders are actively engaging in campaign activities and events to promote their parties’ platforms and attract voters. With the elections just around the corner, political parties are intensifying their efforts to reach out to voters and secure their support.

The presence of candidates like Jorge Buxadé, Hermann Tertsch, Estrella Galán, and Manu Pineda in the European elections illustrates the diversity of candidates and parties vying for seats in the European Parliament. Each party brings its own set of ideas and priorities to the table, making the campaign season a crucial period for voters to evaluate their options and make informed choices. The participation of candidates from different political backgrounds adds to the richness of the electoral process and offers voters a wide range of choices.

As the campaign for the European elections heats up, political parties are working to differentiate themselves and highlight their key proposals to voters. With various parties and candidates in the mix, voters have a wide array of options to choose from, each representing different political ideologies and priorities. The upcoming European elections on June 9th will be a key moment for voters to make their voices heard and shape the future direction of Spain within the European Union.

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