The Republican National Committee, under new co-chair Lara Trump, is spreading misinformation about the 2020 election, claiming that Democrats committed “massive fraud.” This messaging represents a shift for the RNC, as lies about the election were not previously a consistent theme since former President Donald Trump left office. Lara Trump has a history of echoing her father-in-law’s election fraud claims, and the recent scripted call to voters reflects her views on the matter. The call highlighted issues such as unsecured ballot drop boxes, mass mailing of ballots, and voter rolls with deceased individuals and non-citizens, claiming that these factors led to fraud in the election.

Despite the lack of evidence of widespread fraud in the 2020 election, Lara Trump continues to promote these baseless claims. The former president and his supporters filed numerous court cases challenging the election results, all of which were dismissed. However, Lara Trump and others within the GOP persist in perpetuating the narrative of fraud. Polling has shown that a majority of GOP voters believe the election result was illegitimate, further fueling this false narrative. Lara Trump’s continued assertions about fraud align with her father-in-law’s efforts to reshape the Republican Party in his image.

In a recent interview, Lara Trump indicated that claims of a stolen election are “in the past” but did not explicitly repudiate those baseless accusations. She emphasized the need to address concerns about election procedures and ensure that future elections are conducted with integrity. However, her previous statements and actions regarding the 2020 election undermine her claims of moving forward. In her role as co-chair of the RNC, Lara Trump’s rhetoric continues to sow doubt about the legitimacy of the election results, despite the lack of credible evidence to support these claims.

Lara Trump has made outlandish and nonsensical claims about the 2020 election on her internet show and podcast, perpetuating misinformation about the voting process. She has falsely suggested that dead voters helped Biden win the election, citing a debunked analysis. Despite the record-breaking voter turnout in the 2020 election, Lara Trump and her co-hosts have questioned the validity of the results and cast doubt on the democratic process. By spreading misinformation and conspiracy theories, Lara Trump contributes to the erosion of trust in the electoral system and undermines the integrity of future elections.

While Lara Trump has stated that the Republican Party needs to “trust mail-in voting,” her continued promotion of false narratives about the 2020 election raises concerns about her commitment to fair and transparent elections. By casting doubt on the legitimacy of the election results and perpetuating baseless claims of fraud, Lara Trump fuels division and disinformation within the GOP. Despite calls for the party to focus on the future and regain public trust, Lara Trump’s rhetoric reflects a persistent effort to undermine the democratic process and advance a narrative of widespread fraud that lacks factual basis.

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