The AfD’s Spitzenkandidat Maximilian Krah has been banned from making any further appearances in the election campaign for the European Parliament due to controversial statements he made regarding the SS. The Rassemblement National party announced the termination of their collaboration with the AfD in the EU Parliament because of Krah’s comments. As a result, Krah has decided to step down from his position in the AfD’s federal board. CSU politician Martin Huber has called for Krah to resign from all his roles, including his seat in the European Parliament, stating that individuals who trivialize Nazi crimes have no place in a democratic parliament.

Amidst mounting criticism, Krah, just two weeks before the European elections, decided to withdraw from his leadership position within the AfD. CSU General Secretary Martin Huber urged the party to persuade Krah to relinquish his seat in the European Parliament, emphasizing that anyone who minimizes Nazi atrocities should not be part of a democratic institution. The AfD’s decision to ban Krah from campaign appearances came after his controversial remarks about the SS, leading to a dispute with the Rassemblement National party. Krah has not yet commented on his future in the European Parliament.

Marie-Agnes Strack-Zimmermann, the FDP’s Europe candidate, commended the Rassemblement National’s disassociation from the AfD, highlighting that even right-wing parties in Europe no longer want to be associated with the AfD. She described Krah as “no longer tenable,” emphasizing the divisive nature of nationalism within political alliances. Green Party politician Konstantin von Notz criticized the AfD, pointing out the party’s links to corruption allegations. Britta Haßelmann, the Green Party’s parliamentary leader, stated that Krah and Bystron represent the true face of the AfD, referring to Petr Bystron’s legal troubles related to alleged corruption and money laundering.

The reactions to Krah’s ban from the AfD’s campaign events have been mixed, with calls for his resignation from all positions within the party. The controversy surrounding Krah’s statements about the SS and the ensuing fallout with the Rassemblement National have further fueled the criticism against the AfD. The party’s connections to individuals facing legal issues have also raised concerns about the integrity of its candidates for the upcoming European elections. Despite the internal turmoil, the AfD continues to face scrutiny and condemnation from various political figures and parties.

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