Atlanta Falcons quarterback Kirk Cousins, who is entering his 13th NFL season at the age of 36, has made some lifestyle changes in order to maintain his physical health and avoid injuries. One of these changes includes peeling the buns off his burgers and cutting out all grains, including gluten, from his diet. Cousins, who signed a four-year, $180 million contract with the Falcons in the offseason, made these dietary adjustments based on his specific blood chemistry and tests that indicated his body does not respond well to grains. Other prominent NFL quarterbacks like Tom Brady and Drew Brees have also cut out gluten from their diets, but Cousins has taken it a step further by eliminating all grains altogether.

The decision to make these dietary changes was influenced by Cousins’ experience dealing with a torn Achilles tendon he suffered last season while playing for the Minnesota Vikings. Despite coming off one of the best seasons in his career in 2022, the injury all but ended his time with the Vikings. Now with the Falcons, Cousins will have to compete for the starting quarterback position with Michael Penix Jr., a highly touted first-round pick. With a new quarterback on the roster and significant financial investments made in both Cousins and Penix, Cousins knows he will be under close scrutiny and has turned to paying close attention to his diet to maximize his chances of avoiding injury.

Cutting out gluten and grains has been linked by some experts to reducing inflammation, which can make muscle tissue less flexible and increase the risk of tendon injuries like those to the Achilles and meniscus. By making dietary changes and focusing on his physical health, Cousins hopes to extend his NFL career and maintain his competitiveness on the field as he enters his late 30s. Despite the sacrifices he must make, such as giving up burger buns, Cousins is determined to do whatever it takes to stay at his physical best and continue performing at a high level for the Falcons.

As more research on the effects of gluten and grains on the body becomes available, many aging NFL players and athletes have adopted dietary restrictions to help improve their performance and reduce the risk of injury. Cousins’ decision to cut out grains altogether, in addition to going gluten-free, reflects his commitment to ensuring his body is in optimal condition for the physical demands of playing quarterback in the NFL. With the potential competition at the quarterback position and the high stakes involved in the Falcons’ investment in both Cousins and Penix, Cousins understands the importance of taking proactive measures to protect his health and prolong his career.

In the competitive world of the NFL, where injuries can have a significant impact on a player’s career and future prospects, Cousins’ dedication to his diet and physical health is a testament to his commitment to staying at the top of his game. By making small but significant changes to his lifestyle, such as peeling burger buns and eliminating grains from his diet, Cousins is taking proactive steps to ensure he can continue to perform at a high level and potentially extend his career in the league. As he prepares to lead the Falcons on the field, Cousins’ attention to detail and commitment to his health and well-being serve as a model for other players looking to stay competitive and extend their time in the NFL.

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