John Bourgeois, a 54-year-old man who battled prostate cancer, found himself in a dire situation in 2021 when his health problems worsened. After extended stays in the hospital, he discovered that his kidneys were failing due to his liver, which required a liver transplant for him to survive. However, he was told that he did not qualify for priority status based on testing results, making his situation even more challenging. Bourgeois and his wife, Angela Pottier, were overwhelmed by the news and felt helpless as they navigated through this difficult time, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic when they couldn’t be together in the hospital.

Feeling desperate and in need of help, Bourgeois decided to take matters into his own hands by renting billboard space on Bath Road to spread awareness about his need for a liver transplant. His message on the billboard appeals to people with Type O blood, as he believes they may be able to help him. Bourgeois understands the gravity of his situation and knows that without a liver transplant, his chances of survival are slim. He hopes that his plea will reach someone who is willing to step forward and offer him a chance at life.

According to the Canadian Institute for Health Information, organ transplants are not as common as one might think, with only 20% of transplants in 2022 coming from live donors. As of December 2022, nearly 4,000 people in Canada were waiting for a transplant, emphasizing the urgent need for organ donors. Bourgeois has spent countless days and nights in the hospital, missing out on important life events and struggling with the debilitating effects of his condition. Despite his physical limitations, he remains hopeful that a generous person with Type O blood will come forward to save his life.

For Bourgeois, finding a suitable liver donor is a matter of life and death. He emphasizes that receiving a liver transplant would be a life-saving gift for him, allowing him to regain his health and live a fulfilling life once again. The support and assistance of the community are crucial in helping Bourgeois find a donor, as he continues to wait anxiously for a miracle to happen. Those interested in helping can contact the family via email at, offering a glimmer of hope in what has been a challenging journey for Bourgeois and his loved ones.

In conclusion, John Bourgeois’ battle with failing kidneys and liver has put him in a precarious position, where he urgently needs a liver transplant to survive. His efforts to raise awareness through a billboard advertisement demonstrate his determination to find a suitable donor, especially someone with Type O blood. The shortage of organ donors in Canada highlights the importance of spreading awareness and encouraging people to consider becoming organ donors to save lives like Bourgeois’. With support from the community and potential donors, Bourgeois remains optimistic that he will receive the life-saving gift he so desperately needs. His story serves as a reminder of the critical need for organ donation and the impact it can have on individuals facing serious health challenges.

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