The Washington Post recently published a profile on LSU women’s basketball coach Kim Mulkey, which she had anticipated would be a negative hit piece but turned out to be a detailed account of her career and influences. The article highlights how Mulkey, a successful coach with four national championships, was inspired by legendary Tennessee coach Pat Summitt and managed to balance her coaching career with motherhood by integrating her children into her coaching life. Despite Mulkey’s concerns about the article, she stated that she would not read it and leave it up to her attorneys to address any potential issues.

In the lead-up to the publishing of the Washington Post article, Mulkey had already expressed her intention to sue the newspaper if they ran a false story about her. She had anticipated that the piece would be based on interviews with disgruntled former players who might have negative things to say about her. One former player, Emily Niemann, had left Baylor during her sophomore year due to feeling uncomfortable as a gay woman on campus and finding Mulkey too demanding. However, when Niemann approached Mulkey years later to thank her for being a positive influence, the coach remained unresponsive.

Following the publication of the article, the reaction on social media has largely been positive, with many viewing the piece as fair and informative rather than an attack on Mulkey. While there may be some information in the article that could be seen as unfavorable, the overall portrayal of Mulkey seems to be balanced and reflective of her career and influences. Despite Mulkey’s decision not to read the article herself, her objections to its content have likely drawn more attention to it, prompting more people to read it than they might have otherwise.

Overall, the Washington Post profile on Kim Mulkey sheds light on the coach’s successful career and the influences that have shaped her approach to coaching and life. While Mulkey had initially expected the article to be negative, it ultimately provides a deeper look into her journey and the challenges she has faced along the way. The reaction to the article online has generally been positive, with many appreciating the insights it offers into Mulkey’s career and character. Despite Mulkey’s decision not to engage directly with the article, its publication has sparked discussions and reflections on her legacy in the world of women’s basketball.

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