The KGH Foundation in Kelowna, British Columbia, has achieved a significant milestone in its largest fundraising campaign to date, the Closer to Home Than You Think campaign. Launched in April 2023, the campaign has already raised 60 per cent of its $40 million goal. The funds raised will be used to improve the care provided at Kelowna General Hospital across eight targeted areas, including Cardiac Care, Brain Health, Mental Health, and Cancer Care Services. With $26 million already raised, the KGH Foundation has been able to implement upgrades such as the expansion of the MRI department, the creation of a Centre of Health System Learning and Innovation, and the establishment of various health programs.

One of the latest projects funded by the KGH Foundation is the MRI expansion, which will see the addition of two new MRI suites to the medical imaging department. The new machine, a 3T MRI, is considered the gold standard of diagnostic imaging and will allow for faster and less invasive testing at KGH. Dr. Nevin de Korompay, head of the Department of Radiology, stated that the new MRI machine will enable imaging twice as powerful, reducing the need for invasive tests and ultimately improving the quality of care for patients. This advancement in technology will also help to expedite waitlists and ensure that patients receive the imaging they need in a timely manner.

With 60 percent of the fundraising goal already achieved, the remaining $14 million will be allocated towards surgical oncology, women’s health, and bone and joint care at Kelowna General Hospital. Chandel Schmidt, the vice-president of Philanthropy for KGH Foundation, expressed excitement over the progress made in the campaign, noting that they are on track to reach their goal by 2026, if not sooner. The continued support and generosity of donors will play a crucial role in further enhancing the care and services provided at Kelowna General Hospital, benefiting patients in the community.

The successful fundraising efforts of the Closer to Home Than You Think campaign have enabled the KGH Foundation to make significant advancements in healthcare services at Kelowna General Hospital. The upgrades to Cardiac Care, Brain Health, Mental Health, and Cancer Care Services have already had a positive impact on patient care, with more improvements planned for the future. The addition of the new MRI suites and cutting-edge equipment will not only enhance diagnostic capabilities but also contribute to reducing wait times and providing more efficient and effective care.

The commitment of donors and supporters to the KGH Foundation’s fundraising campaign has been instrumental in helping to achieve their fundraising goals. The generosity of the community has allowed the foundation to make important investments in healthcare technology and programs that will benefit patients for years to come. The continued support for the Closer to Home Than You Think campaign will ensure that Kelowna General Hospital can continue to provide high-quality care and services to the residents of Kelowna and the surrounding areas. By working together towards a common goal, the KGH Foundation and its supporters are making a significant difference in improving healthcare outcomes and enhancing the well-being of the community.

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