Autry’s sentencing comes after he provided key testimony in the trial of Zachary Adams, who was found guilty of the murder of nursing student Holly Bobo. Autry was sentenced to 19 years in federal prison on unrelated weapons charges, after pleading guilty to being a felon in possession of a weapon and ammunition. This sentencing comes after Autry was arrested in December 2020 when he tried to run away from a sheriff’s deputy in a rural field and was found with a Marlin rifle. Autry has a history of prior felonies in state and federal court.

Holly Bobo went missing at the age of 20 from her family’s home in rural Parsons in April 2011, sparking a massive search effort. Her remains were found more than three years later in September 2014, not far from her home. The case received national attention, with missing person flyers distributed across many states and national news outlets covering the investigation. Autry’s testimony during the trial of Zachary Adams provided crucial details about Bobo’s kidnapping, rape, and murder, leading to Adams’ conviction of murder, aggravated kidnapping, and aggravated rape. Adams was sentenced to life in prison plus 50 years.

Following his involvement in the Bobo case, Autry struck a deal with prosecutors and received leniency for his testimony. He pleaded guilty to solicitation to commit murder and facilitation of especially aggravated kidnapping in the Bobo case, leading to a sentence of eight years in state prison. However, just two months after being released from custody in the Bobo case, Autry was arrested on the federal weapons charges. Recently, there have been questions raised about the validity of Autry’s testimony in the Bobo case, as Zachary Adams has filed a petition to have his conviction overturned, citing Autry’s recanting of his previous statements.

In his petition, Adams claims that Autry admitted to making up the story to avoid spending life in prison, after being told by his lawyer that he was likely to be convicted. According to the petition, Autry met with a forensic neuropsychologist in December and revealed that he fabricated the story while reviewing evidence in his jail cell before the trial. Autry allegedly used cellphone data to create a false narrative and included Bobo in it. Adams’ lawyer has argued for a hearing to discuss Autry’s recanting as new evidence, while prosecutors have pushed for the petition to be dismissed without a hearing. A judge’s decision on the matter is currently pending.

The complex legal situation surrounding Autry’s involvement in the Bobo case raises questions about the reliability of witness testimony in high-profile trials. The revelation of Autry’s alleged fabrication of his testimony could have significant implications for the case and for Zachary Adams’ conviction. As the legal process unfolds, it will be crucial to determine the truthfulness of Autry’s statements and the impact they have on the criminal proceedings. The outcome of the judge’s decision on the petition to overturn Adams’ conviction will likely have far-reaching consequences for all involved in the case.

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