On the third day of the Hunter Biden trial, his ex-wife and ex-girlfriend testified to provide insight into his drug addiction. Embarrassing pictures and details of his activities in New York City hotel rooms in 2018 were also presented as evidence, along with information about a gun that Biden bought in 2018 that is at the center of the charges against him. The salesman who sold him the gun testified that he saw Biden fill out the form on which he is accused of lying.

Biden’s ex-wife, Kathleen Buhle, testified that she found drug paraphernalia in his car in 2018, but was unable to pinpoint exactly when. Another former romantic partner, Zoe Kestan, provided more captivating testimony for the jury, describing partying, clubbing, and drug use with Biden in various locations. She witnessed him smoking crack in mid-September 2018, which is crucial in connecting his drug use to the gun purchase.

The salesman who sold Biden the gun testified that he marked “no” on the form about his illegal drug use, which is central to the prosecution’s case. Despite attempts by Biden’s attorney to portray the salesman as predatory, he maintained that he only sold high-quality guns and did not try to push customers into buying more expensive items. Pictures of a hotel room shared by Biden and Kestan in 2018 were shown to the jury, depicting drug paraphernalia and Hunter wearing a shirt with the word “ADDICTED” on it.

Prosecutors originally planned to have Hallie Biden, the widow of Beau Biden, testify after Kestan, but instead called the salesman to the stand to testify about the gun sale. It is still expected that Hallie will testify as the prosecution wraps up their case. Hallie’s testimony is highly anticipated due to her involvement in the Biden family drama, as she started using crack cocaine after being introduced to it by Hunter, her brother-in-law. Federal agents, including DEA officials, are also expected to testify about drug-related texts from Hunter Biden.

Overall, the third day of the Hunter Biden trial focused on presenting evidence of his drug addiction and illegal activities. Testimonies from his ex-wife and ex-girlfriend provided insight into his drug use, while the gun purchase and false statements on the form were central to the prosecution’s case. The salesman who sold Biden the gun testified about the sale process, and pictures of drug paraphernalia in hotel rooms were shown to the jury. Prosecutors plan to call additional witnesses, including Hallie Biden and federal agents, as they conclude their case.

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