Former Vice President Kamala Harris and former President Donald Trump recently had their first and only scheduled debate where they clashed on various issues. Trump accused Harris and President Joe Biden of not securing the border properly, leading to an influx of migrants that he claimed is harming the country. He criticized the current administration and argued that global crises would have been avoided if he was still in the White House. Harris positioned herself as a president for all Americans and predicted attacks from Trump during the debate.

This debate marked the second one of the general election but the first since Biden exited the race, and Democrats instead nominated Harris. The encounter between Harris and Trump in Philadelphia was their first in-person meeting, as Trump had skipped Biden’s inauguration. Harris initiated the debate on a positive note by reaching out for a handshake with Trump, setting a relatively civil tone.

During the debate, Trump repeated debunked myths about immigrants, claiming that Haitian migrants in Ohio were eating pets. When challenged by the moderator about the validity of his statements, Trump stood by his claims, further reinforcing conspiracy theories about migrants and crime. Despite pushback on his false claims, Trump continued down the path of repeating mistruths throughout the debate.

One key issue that both candidates clashed over was abortion, highlighting their differing views. Trump defended his abortion policy, which involved overturning federal protections and appointing Supreme Court judges who did just that. Harris responded strongly, criticizing Trump’s stance on abortion and highlighting cases where women faced difficulties accessing necessary care. She challenged Trump’s claims about states allowing newborn babies to be killed after birth, which led to a fact check correction.

Harris appeared to have a clear strategy of throwing Trump off his game during the debate, which proved to be successful. She baited Trump into reacting emotionally to her comments, diverting him from factual and policy-based discussions. Despite attempts by the moderators to redirect the conversation to more substantial issues, Trump often veered off track, focusing on personal grievances and repeating baseless claims about the 2020 election being stolen from him.

In an effort to connect with voters, Harris framed herself as an advocate for middle-class Americans and criticized Trump for his focus on benefiting the wealthy and big corporations. She presented her economic plans, including tax cuts for families and small businesses, contrasting them with what she portrayed as Trump’s self-centered approach to governance. Throughout the debate, Harris emphasized the importance of putting the needs of the American people first, a message that she has consistently conveyed throughout her campaign.

In conclusion, the debate between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump showcased their differing approaches to critical issues and their contrasting visions for the country. While Trump relied on conspiracy theories and personal attacks, Harris focused on policy proposals and connecting with voters. The encounter provided voters with insights into the two candidates’ leadership styles and priorities as they compete for the presidency.

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