A partial lunar eclipse is approaching in Pisces, a sign known for its poets, dreamy deceivers, and gentle conmen. Eclipses have historically been associated with fate, reversals of fortune, and points of no return, with the word itself meaning “to abandon” or “to forsake a usual place.” This particular eclipse is seen as an energetic reset, steering individuals in the direction they are meant to go in, often involving wake-up calls and uncomfortable truths.

The eclipse in Pisces is set to occur on September 17th at 10:34 p.m. Eastern Time, with its effects felt before and after that date. This event is seen as a release valve, providing individuals an opportunity to let go of things that may be holding them back. Themes of cumulative release, universal healing, and escapist tendencies are expected to come to the surface around this eclipse, allowing people to recover and grow through surrender and introspection.

The eclipse in Pisces could bring light to things that individuals have been avoiding or unclear about, providing confirmation for growth and change. It may also surface themes of withdrawal from realities and illusions that have been guiding individuals in unhealthy directions. This eclipse encourages people to question whether they are aiming for universal love or falling into escapism, urging them to embrace reality and truth in the journey of self-discovery and healing.

Other astrological aspects to consider during this eclipse include oppositions between Mercury and Saturn, as well as Venus and Chiron. These planetary configurations suggest that individuals may choose to go ‘no contact’ with harmful individuals, forgive but not forget, and seek deep healing through self-acceptance and guidance from trusted others. This opposition can lead to introspection and opening up to partners or seeking support from friends or mentors in the process of letting go and moving forward.

The energy of the eclipse invites individuals to release belief systems, grudges, delusions, or unhealthy habits that may be holding them back from personal growth and self-realization. The eclipse in Pisces is seen as a healing time that encourages people to confront their realities and accept themselves fully. By embracing these themes and facing uncomfortable truths, individuals can find release and acceptance in the pursuit of universal love and self-awareness.

Overall, the upcoming partial lunar eclipse in Pisces is seen as a profound opportunity for transformation and healing, offering individuals a chance to let go of the past, face their truths, and move forward with a renewed sense of purpose and direction. Astrologer Evan Nathaniel Grim encourages individuals to embrace the energies of the eclipse and ask themselves where they are gaining pleasure, comfort, and bliss, urging them to navigate the complexities of their emotions and experiences with honesty and courage.

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