Display Week 2024, an industry-only conference focusing on new display technologies, took place in San Jose, CA last week. The conference covered a wide range of topics related to display technology, including digital signage, AR/VR/MR, sensor integration, and ultra-high-bandwidth display data transmission and processing. The big announcements at the conference included advancements in digital signage displays and the development of color Epaper displays for digital signage applications by EInk.

One of the highlights of the conference was the showcase of next-generation displays for AR/VR and mixed reality headsets by companies like BOE and Samsung. While no new headsets were released, the industry is making significant progress in developing new displays for both headsets and smart glasses. However, it was noted that true AR glasses for the broader market may still be 2-3 years away. The development of new displays for AR glasses continues to progress, with promising displays showing potential for vertical applications.

Another trend at the conference was the integration of sensors and the development of multifunctional displays by companies like BOE and Samsung. Multifunctional displays offer space efficiency, convenience, and customization for users, allowing them to access multiple functions simultaneously. These displays can also be integrated with other devices and systems, making it easier to access and control multiple functions from one place. The conference also focused on active matrix displays, including OLED and LCD technologies, as well as emerging technologies like microLED, quantum dot, and flexible displays.

Several demos caught attendees’ attention at the conference, including a 110-inch 16K 3D display by BOE and a 3D screen from Mopic that allowed for 3D hand interaction with images on a screen. One of the most intriguing demos was a prototype of a new automotive dashboard by BOE, featuring a center display for the driver and a fold-out screen for the front seat passenger. This innovative dashboard-like display showed the potential for integrating multiple displays within a vehicle to provide personalized information and entertainment experiences.

Display Week 2024 was a significant event for the display industry, bringing together experts and innovators to share knowledge and showcase cutting-edge technologies. The conference highlighted the advancements in display technology and how they will impact future technological developments. Despite being highly technical and industry-focused, Display Week provides valuable insights into the future of display technology and its role in driving technological innovation. Displays continue to evolve and improve, and conferences like Display Week play a crucial role in shaping the future of the display industry.

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