President Biden’s campaign in Ohio is in danger of failing to make it onto the general election ballot due to missing a key deadline. Ohio Secretary of State Frank LaRose, a Republican, sent a warning to top Democratic officials about the missed deadline. The Democratic National Convention is scheduled to convene after the deadline for certifying a presidential candidate in Ohio, and LaRose stated that the convention would need to be moved up or an exception would need to be created in order for Biden to appear on the ballot in Ohio. Biden’s campaign has not responded publicly to the warning, but expressed confidence that Biden will be on the ballot in all 50 states.

The news of Ohio potentially excluding Biden from the ballot comes at a time when there is panic within the Democratic Party over its voter registration efforts potentially benefiting former President Trump. An internal memo revealed concerns about the party’s “nonpartisan” voter registration efforts possibly helping Trump by blindly registering nonvoters and aiding Trump’s quest for a personal dictatorship. Democrats have been struggling with the increase in support for Trump from demographics that are usually reliable for them, and there have been disagreements among donors about continuing to use nonprofits for voter registration over fears of unintentionally helping Trump.

The memo suggested that Democrats should focus their voter registration efforts only on specific, heavily pro-Biden populations rather than blindly registering nonvoters. This marks a shift from the party’s longstanding voter registration policy, which has traditionally resulted in favorable outcomes in elections. The rise in support for Trump among nonregistered voters has clashed with the Democratic Party’s goal of expanding the voter rolls. There are growing concerns within the party about the potential impact of their voter registration efforts on the upcoming election, especially in light of Biden’s shaky position on the Ohio ballot.

The Ohio Democratic Party has yet to publicly respond to LaRose’s warning about Biden potentially missing the deadline for the ballot in the state. Democrats across the country have been grappling with internal challenges and disagreements over their voter registration efforts, as well as concerns about Trump’s increasing support among various demographics. The uncertainty surrounding Biden’s candidacy in Ohio highlights the broader struggles and divisions within the Democratic Party as they prepare for the upcoming election. It remains to be seen how these issues will affect the party’s ability to mobilize voters and secure victories in key battleground states, a task that has become increasingly challenging in the current political climate.

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