Kentucky’s legislature is considering a bill that would hold parents responsible for their juvenile child’s involvement in a crime with a firearm. Modeled after laws that hold parents accountable for property crimes and motor vehicle accidents, the bill would make parents liable for civil damages caused by minors with guns. This legislation aims to make parents more aware of their child’s actions and the potential consequences, without enacting gun control measures.
The bill would impose negligence or willful misconduct of a minor on their parents or guardians for damages resulting from injuries caused by a minor with a gun. Factors in determining parental liability include whether the parent allowed the child to have the gun, was aware of previous gun law violations, or believed the minor to be violent. The goal is to ensure that parents are more vigilant about their child’s access to firearms and the potential risks involved.
One case in Kentucky that has influenced the push for this bill involved several 15-year-olds who got into a disagreement, resulting in one of them retrieving a gun and shooting two other youths. Concerns about minors having access to guns and making impulsive decisions highlight the need for parental responsibility in monitoring firearms. The bill will be presented in January and, if approved, will likely be sent to Governor Andrew Beshear’s desk for final approval.
Foster parents would be exempt from the law, according to Murray State University’s NPR affiliate. The legislation is not aimed at restricting gun sales or gun ownership but rather at ensuring that parents are more cautious and aware of their child’s actions. By holding parents accountable for their child’s involvement in crimes with firearms, the bill seeks to promote safer gun practices among families and reduce the likelihood of minors engaging in dangerous behaviors.
Both legislative chambers in Frankfort are dominated by Republican majorities, while Governor Beshear is a Democrat. If the bill makes it through committee votes, it is likely to reach a full floor vote and potentially be signed into law. The bill reflects a growing concern about gun violence and the role of parenting in preventing minors from committing crimes with firearms. By encouraging parental vigilance and accountability, the legislation aims to promote safer gun practices and reduce the risks associated with underage gun possession.