A coalition of the Kennedy family will endorse President Biden in an effort to counter the threat posed by one of their own, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., an independent candidate. The Kennedys backing Mr. Biden include his siblings Joseph, Kerry, Rory, Kathleen, Maxwell, and Christopher. They fear that Mr. Kennedy could draw votes away from Mr. Biden, potentially tipping the 2024 election to former President Donald Trump. The family hopes to use their influence to prevent this from happening, as they believe Mr. Biden is the best candidate to carry on the legacies of John, Robert, and Ted Kennedy.

The Kennedy family has expressed strong disapproval of Mr. Kennedy’s candidacy, citing his promotion of conspiracy theories and confusion about why he is challenging a Democratic president they admire. They worry that Mr. Kennedy could help Mr. Trump win if he draws even a small number of votes away from Mr. Biden in battleground states. The family’s symbolic repudiation of Mr. Kennedy will be evident at the Philadelphia campaign rally, where they will emphasize the importance of uniting all Americans to protect their rights and freedoms.

While it is unclear whether Mr. Kennedy would draw more votes from Mr. Trump or Mr. Biden, polls suggest that Mr. Trump’s base of support is more fixed than Mr. Biden’s. The Democratic Party has assembled a team of lawyers to track Mr. Kennedy’s threat, particularly in battleground states, where other potential spoilers such as Cornel West and the Green Party will also be monitored. Mr. Kennedy’s policy positions do not easily fit into a traditional ideology, as he has expressed liberal views on some issues but also promoted false theories and conservative arguments.

Despite Mr. Trump’s attempts to paint Mr. Kennedy as a radical leftist, there is speculation that Mr. Trump is intrigued by the idea of choosing Mr. Kennedy as his running mate. However, Mr. Kennedy himself has rejected this notion. Mr. Biden has been critical of Mr. Trump during his campaign stops in Pennsylvania, portraying him as wealthy, out of touch, and an enemy of working people. The Kennedy family members who support Mr. Biden are expected to invoke the legacy of Robert F. Kennedy, emphasizing the values of equal justice, human rights, and freedom that both he and Mr. Biden stand for.

After Mr. Biden’s rally in Philadelphia, Kennedy family members will make calls to voters and knock on doors as part of the campaign efforts. The family’s endorsement of Mr. Biden is seen as a significant boost to his re-election chances, as they are using their influence to rally support for him and prevent Mr. Kennedy from becoming a spoiler in the 2024 election. This coalition of the Kennedy family underscores the importance of unity and coming together to defend democracy and protect the values that they believe in.

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