Danica Guinto, a daycare worker in Kelowna, B.C., was struck by a pickup truck at an intersection on her lunch break on Sept. 12, 2024. She remains in the ICU and faces a long road to recovery. Her colleague, Karli Sanderson, spoke about the concerns they had regarding the safety of the intersection at Highway 97 and Burtch Road. Sanderson mentioned the need for safety features such as advanced left turn signals or more time for pedestrians to cross the road. She highlighted the chaotic nature of the intersection with frequent honking and drivers not following the rules of the road.

Sanderson raised concerns about the lack of safety features at the intersection and called for improvements to prevent similar incidents from happening in the future. She started a GoFundMe campaign for Guinto, which has already exceeded its goal thanks to donations from the community and daycare families. Sanderson emphasized the impact that Guinto has had on the lives of the families she worked with, showing the outpouring of support for her recovery. The Ministry of Transportation stated that they would review any findings or recommendations from the RCMP’s investigation into the incident.

The community has rallied around Danica Guinto, showing their support through donations and messages of encouragement. Sanderson described the overwhelming response to the GoFundMe campaign, reflecting the positive impact Guinto has had on the lives of the families she worked with at the daycare. The incident has raised awareness about the need for improved safety measures at intersections like the one where Guinto was struck. Sanderson’s efforts to advocate for safety improvements demonstrate the importance of addressing infrastructure issues to prevent accidents and protect pedestrians and drivers.

The Ministry of Transportation has committed to reviewing the intersection where the incident occurred and considering any recommendations from the investigation. Sanderson’s advocacy for safety enhancements at the intersection reflects the community’s desire to prevent similar accidents in the future. The support for Guinto’s recovery underscores the bond between daycare workers and the families they serve, with many expressing their gratitude for her dedication and care. The incident serves as a reminder of the importance of road safety and the need for measures to protect vulnerable road users like pedestrians.

Overall, the incident involving Danica Guinto has sparked a conversation about intersection safety and the need for improvements to prevent accidents. The community’s response to the GoFundMe campaign and calls for safety enhancements demonstrate the solidarity and support for Guinto’s recovery. The Ministry of Transportation’s commitment to reviewing the intersection shows a willingness to address infrastructure issues and prioritize road safety. Sanderson’s efforts to raise awareness and advocate for changes highlight the importance of proactive measures to prevent accidents and protect both pedestrians and drivers on the road.

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