Residents in Kelowna, B.C., are expressing their disappointment and frustration with the tree-trimming practices of FortisBC in their neighborhoods. Giulio Di Palma returned home to find his front yard spruce tree severely pruned by the company, resulting in feelings of shock and violation. He believes that the trimming was excessive and unnecessary, as the tree did not pose a significant threat to power lines. Similarly, residents on Fuller and Collett roads have concerns about the way Fortis is handling the tree trimming in their area, with Gordy Charles describing the trees as being brutalized and stressed as a result of the pruning.

Gordy Charles is particularly troubled by the lack of consideration shown by FortisBC in their tree-trimming practices. He believes that the company is not adequately assessing the trees before pruning and is instead taking the easy way out by cutting off large portions of the tree. Charles emphasizes the importance of involving arborists in the process to ensure that only necessary trimming is done to protect power lines. Additionally, he expresses his frustration at not being informed in advance of the tree trimming, highlighting the need for better communication and notification procedures from FortisBC to prevent such incidents in the future.

Neighborhood resident Rob Collins is also concerned about the safety risks posed by the trimmed trees in the area. He notes that some trees have been left unbalanced, making them vulnerable to falling onto nearby properties during strong winds. FortisBC, in response to these concerns, emphasized that safety is their top priority when trimming trees, citing the risk of power outages, property damage, and fire hazards associated with trees touching power lines. The company stated that property owners are encouraged to plant trees at a safe distance from power infrastructure and hire utility-certified arborists to trim trees away from lines before FortisBC’s intervention is necessary.

Residents like Di Palma are calling on FortisBC to take responsibility for the unsightly and damaging tree-trimming practices in their neighborhoods. Di Palma, who is unhappy with the half-trimmed state of his spruce tree, believes that the company should remove the tree altogether and complete the job properly. He urges FortisBC to reconsider their approach to tree trimming and ensure that their practices are more thoughtful and considerate of the impact on the trees and property owners. The residents are demanding better communication, consultation, and notification processes from FortisBC to avoid similar incidents in the future.

Overall, the residents of Kelowna are united in their frustration and disappointment with FortisBC’s tree-trimming practices in their neighborhoods. They feel that the company’s approach is haphazard and excessive, resulting in trees being damaged and stressed unnecessarily. The residents are advocating for better communication, consultation, and consideration from FortisBC to ensure that future tree-trimming activities are carried out in a safer and more responsible manner. They emphasize the importance of involving arborists in the process and providing advance notification to property owners to prevent further damage and stress to the trees in the area.

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