The City of Kelowna is investigating Fortis BC’s tree trimming practices in response to complaints from residents about trees being over-pruned. One homeowner, Giulio Di Palma, received an email from the city mayor promising to look into the issue after FortisBC unexpectedly pruned a spruce tree in his yard. While Di Palma understands the need for tree trimming near power lines for safety reasons, he and other residents are calling for more thoughtful practices and notification before work is done. Di Palma is hopeful that the city’s involvement will result in changes and is requesting that FortisBC remove the tree as so much of it has been taken off.

FortisBC responded to the incident by stating that safety is their priority when trimming trees, as trees touching power lines can cause power outages and pose fire risks. The company advised property owners to plant trees a safe distance away from power infrastructure and hire a utility-certified arborist to trim trees away from lines before FortisBC is required to trim them. While the company emphasizes safety in their tree trimming practices, residents are still pushing for more consideration and communication from FortisBC when it comes to pruning trees near their properties.

It is evident that there is a growing concern among Kelowna residents about FortisBC’s tree trimming practices, with many feeling that the company should be more considerate and transparent in their approach. The unexpected trimming of trees without prior notification has led to frustration among homeowners like Di Palma, who are now looking to the city for support in addressing this issue. The involvement of the city in investigating FortisBC’s practices provides hope for residents that changes will be made to improve communication and practices surrounding tree trimming near power lines.

The email from the city mayor expressing support for residents affected by over-pruning of trees by FortisBC has been well-received by the community, as it signifies that their concerns are being taken seriously. The hope is that the city’s involvement will lead to a productive dialogue between residents, FortisBC, and local authorities to address the issue and find solutions that prioritize both safety and the preservation of trees. Residents like Di Palma are optimistic that with the city’s support, there will be positive changes in FortisBC’s tree trimming practices to ensure a more harmonious relationship between utility companies and homeowners in Kelowna.

In response to the complaints raised by residents, FortisBC reiterated their commitment to safety in tree trimming, emphasizing the potential risks associated with trees touching power lines. The company’s suggestion for property owners to plant trees at a safe distance from power infrastructure and hire arborists to trim trees before FortisBC intervenes demonstrates a proactive approach to preventing issues related to tree overgrowth near power lines. While safety remains a top priority for FortisBC, residents are continuing to advocate for more consideration and communication from the utility company to address their concerns about the impact of tree trimming on their properties.

Overall, the investigation into FortisBC’s tree trimming practices by the City of Kelowna highlights the importance of balancing safety measures with environmental considerations when it comes to tree maintenance near power lines. By engaging in a dialogue between residents, the city, and FortisBC, there is potential for collaborative solutions that address the concerns raised by homeowners while ensuring the safety and reliability of the power infrastructure. The outcome of this investigation and the subsequent changes in tree trimming practices will likely have a significant impact on how tree maintenance is handled in Kelowna and serve as a model for other communities facing similar issues with utility companies.

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