Kelly Osbourne reflected on her time on E!’s Fashion Police and the fallout from the racism scandal involving former co-host Giuliana Rancic and Zendaya. In February 2015, Rancic made a controversial comment about Zendaya’s dreadlocks at the Oscars, sparking backlash and prompting Osbourne to speak out. Osbourne called the incident one of her biggest regrets and ultimately decided to leave the show after realizing she couldn’t continue without Joan Rivers. Additionally, Osbourne faced her own racism scandal on The View in August 2015 when she made a comment about Latino immigrants that received significant backlash.

During a recent episode of The Osbournes Podcast, Osbourne discussed her time on Fashion Police and the impact of the racism scandal involving Rancic and Zendaya. She expressed regret over the way the situation unfolded and how it affected her co-host Melissa Rivers, who had recently lost her mother, Joan. Osbourne also reflected on her own racism scandal on The View, calling it the worst thing she’s ever done and acknowledging the backlash and death threats she received as a result of her comments.

Osbourne clarified the context of her remarks on The View, explaining that she was highlighting the importance of immigrants in the US economy and the essential roles they play in various industries. She acknowledged that her words came out wrong and that she regrets the impact they had. Despite the negative fallout from both the Fashion Police incident and The View appearance, Osbourne found humor in a TikTok trend that parodied her controversial statements, turning something ugly into something funny.

Osbourne’s departure from Fashion Police marked the end of her time working with Joan Rivers, whom she considered a mentor and role model. She expressed gratitude for the opportunity to work with Rivers and the impact she had on her career. Osbourne also addressed the comments made by her brother Jack about the racism scandal involving Rancic and Zendaya, emphasizing her stance against racist remarks and the importance of speaking out against discrimination.

Reflecting on her past comments and the controversies surrounding them, Osbourne admitted to feeling regret and acknowledging the impact of her words. She expressed a desire to move forward and learn from her mistakes, recognizing the importance of accountability and responsibility in her public platform. Despite the challenges she has faced as a public figure, Osbourne remains committed to using her platform to spread positivity and advocate for social change.

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