The meeting in Rome between British Prime Minister Keir Starmer and Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni lasted about 30 minutes longer than expected. It was a face-to-face meeting without aides, followed by a walk in the park at Villa Pamphili, the location of the meeting. They then had a working lunch before a joint press conference. Starmer expressed his intent to work together against human trafficking, particularly focusing on preventing people from crossing borders. He visited an immigration coordination center in Rome and emphasized the importance of international cooperation to prevent further loss of life at sea.

Despite a change in leadership in London, the approach to migration policy remains consistent. Both former and current leaders have expressed a commitment to combating human trafficking and irregular migration. Starmer, who was elected in July, has made it clear that addressing irregular migration is a top priority for his government. During his visit to Rome, the focus was on an agreement between Italy and Albania for the reception of asylum seekers who have landed on Italian shores, showcasing cooperation with other countries to address migration challenges.

During his visit to Rome, Starmer discussed Italy’s success in reducing irregular migration by 60% through strict enforcement of laws and international cooperation. The UK government announced the creation of an elite police unit to enhance border security, a key promise made by Prime Minister Starmer. This unit will coordinate with European counterparts to combat organized crime related to immigration. The government has also introduced measures to increase border controls and financial investigations to track criminal networks involved in human trafficking.

Starmer’s visit to Rome also sparked criticism back in the UK, with some lawmakers and NGOs accusing him of emulating the immigration policies of the far-right Italian government. The creation of the elite police unit and other measures aimed at enhancing border security have faced scrutiny. Despite this, Starmer remains committed to his approach to combating irregular migration and addressing human trafficking. The visit to Italy and discussions with Italian leaders highlight the importance of international cooperation in addressing shared challenges, such as irregular migration.

The joint press conference in Rome between Prime Ministers Starmer and Meloni focused on their shared commitment to tackling human trafficking and irregular migration. They discussed the success of measures taken in Italy to reduce irregular migration and the importance of cooperation between nations in addressing these issues. Starmer reiterated his government’s commitment to a policy that is feasible, cost-effective, and in line with international humanitarian law. The creation of the elite police unit and other measures demonstrate a proactive approach to enhancing border security and combatting organized crime related to immigration.

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