Karen Gillan welcomed her first child, a baby girl named Clementine, with husband Nick Kocher at the end of 2024. The actress shared the news on Instagram, posting adorable photos of her and Kocher with their newborn daughter. Gillan also revealed that she was filming a movie called ‘Let’s Have Kids’ when she got pregnant, jokingly challenging Daniel Day-Lewis with the timing of her pregnancy. The couple had kept the pregnancy private, with Gillan debuting her baby bump at the premiere of her film, The Life of Chuck, at the 2024 Toronto International Film Festival.

Gillan and Kocher tied the knot in a secret ceremony at Castle Toward in Scotland in May 2022. The former Doctor Who star met her husband through social media, with Gillan revealing on Live With Kelly and Mark in 2023 that she messaged Kocher on Twitter after seeing him on Instagram’s recommended friends list. The couple has largely kept their relationship private, with Gillan once attending a couples therapy appointment in her full Nebula makeup while filming Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3. Despite their private nature, Gillan continues to share glimpses of their relationship and now their new daughter with her fans on social media.

The couple’s relationship journey has been kept largely out of the public eye, with Gillan choosing to share intimate moments sporadically on social media. Despite their desire for privacy, Gillan has shared sweet anecdotes from their relationship, including their unique meeting through social media and her humorous experience attending a couples therapy session in full makeup for her Guardians of the Galaxy role. Gillan’s humor and authenticity shine through in her social media posts, offering fans a glimpse into her personal life and relationships. The couple’s love story is one of modern romance, with technology playing a significant role in bringing them together.

Gillan’s journey to motherhood has been documented in a heartwarming way on social media, with the actress sharing precious moments with her newborn daughter. The arrival of Clementine has brought joy to the couple, who are experiencing the challenges and joys of parenthood for the first time. Gillan’s fans have expressed their excitement and support for the new parents, congratulating them on the birth of their daughter. The actress continues to balance her personal and professional life, sharing her experiences with her fans and giving them a glimpse into her journey as a new mother.

As Gillan navigates the new chapter of motherhood, she remains dedicated to her career and continues to share her passion for acting with her fans. The actress’s commitment to her craft and her ability to juggle motherhood with her professional responsibilities inspire many, showing that women can excel in both roles. Gillan’s journey as a new mother is just beginning, and her fans eagerly await more updates and glimpses into her life as she navigates this exciting and transformative time. Overall, Karen Gillan’s journey into motherhood is a testament to love, resilience, and the beauty of new beginnings.

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