Kamala Harris’ first interview on Fox News was confrontational, with both her and Bret Baier talking over each other. Despite dodging some questions, Harris showed moments of standing up to the network that she has criticized in the past. She displayed passion, even anger, when discussing Donald Trump, calling him “unfit to serve” and “unstable.” She frequently turned questions into attacks against Trump, projecting an image of standing up to both Fox News and her opponent. Despite being asked about her support base, Harris avoided calling Trump supporters stupid, instead focusing on criticizing Trump’s rhetoric and actions.

There were several questions that Harris avoided addressing during the interview, such as her stance on taxpayer-funded transgender surgery for federal inmates and the perception that Joe Biden has been diminished. When asked about her lack of progress on key issues during her time as vice president, Harris emphasized that her presidency would not be a continuation of Biden’s, and that she hadn’t spent most of her life in Washington. This interview was a stark contrast to her previous softball interviews and showcased her willingness to engage in tough conversations on a national platform.

The interview also focused heavily on immigration, with Harris acknowledging the broken immigration system that needs to be fixed. When pressed on why the issue hasn’t been addressed, Harris pointed to Trump’s role in killing bipartisan attempts at reform and the lack of progress when Democrats controlled both houses of Congress. Harris also clarified her stance on border crossings, stating that she does not support decriminalization. She expressed sympathy for families affected by crimes committed by illegal immigrants but faced criticism for some of her responses being vague or lacking detail.

Overall, the contentious interview served as an opportunity for Harris to project a defiant image and engage in tough conversations with a critical audience. By appearing on Fox News and facing challenging questions, Harris attempted to show voters that she can handle tough discussions and criticism. The interview highlighted her ability to stand up against criticism and push back against her opponents, presenting a more assertive side of her personality. Moving forward, Harris may benefit from more interviews that challenge her positions and force her to articulate her views more clearly to voters.

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