Vice President Kamala Harris has unveiled her new campaign website, promising to establish an “earned pathway to citizenship” for migrants who cross the border illegally. Despite launching her website late into her campaign, Harris has been criticized for the lack of specifics in her proposals. The website emphasizes the need for comprehensive immigration reform, including strong border security measures, and an earned pathway to citizenship, which aligns with bipartisan Senate bills on the issue.

Former President Donald Trump, Harris’ opponent in the White House race, has pledged to implement a large deportation initiative to remove illegal migrants from the US. Harris’ border policies have become a significant focus for voters, but her website merely refers to a previous bipartisan border security bill that she plans to reintroduce and sign into law if elected. Critics, including Trump’s GOP VP pick Senator JD Vance, argue that Harris’ amnesty proposal will encourage more migrants to come to the US by rewarding illegal aliens with an earned pathway to citizenship.

Harris has previously called for a “pathway to citizenship” during her tenure as the White House’s “border czar,” as well as during the Democratic National Convention and in remarks made in June. She has emphasized the importance of congressional action to allocate resources to the border and establish a meaningful pathway to citizenship. Democrats, including Harris, have blamed Republicans for thwarting the Senate border bill, leading to a stalemate on the issue. Despite portraying herself as tough on border security, Harris has faced criticism for failing to stem the tide of illegal migrant crossings.

The vice president has highlighted her past efforts as Attorney General of California to combat international drug gangs, human traffickers, and cartels operating along the US-Mexico border. Harris supported the bipartisan border security bill during her tenure as vice president, positioning it as a significant reform initiative. Her campaign website underscores her commitment to implementing tough and smart solutions to secure the border, protect communities, and address the shortcomings of the current immigration system. Despite criticisms and questions raised about her campaign’s policies, Harris has not responded to inquiries from media outlets.

In conclusion, Vice President Kamala Harris’ campaign website outlines her commitment to implementing an earned pathway to citizenship for migrants who cross the border illegally. While her proposals have been criticized for lacking specificity, Harris emphasizes comprehensive immigration reform, strong border security measures, and the reintroduction of a bipartisan border security bill. Critics, including former President Donald Trump’s GOP VP pick, argue that Harris’ amnesty proposal will incentivize more migrants to come to the US. Despite her tough stance on border security, Harris has faced criticism for not adequately addressing the issue of illegal migrant crossings. Her campaign highlights her past efforts as Attorney General of California and her support for bipartisan border security initiatives. Despite the backlash and questions raised, Harris has not responded to media inquiries about her campaign policies.

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