Vice President Kamala Harris visited Nevada for the second time since securing the Democratic presidential nomination, rallying over 7,500 supporters in Las Vegas. With the state being crucial to her campaign, Harris focused on the economy, outlining plans for an “opportunity economy” that includes increasing small business tax credits, aiding first-time homebuyers, and providing tax credits to parents of newborns. She criticized former President Donald Trump’s economic proposals, highlighting his plans to cut taxes for the rich and impose tariffs.

Harris emphasized that her economic vision is about lifting everyone up and fighting for all Americans, contrasting her middle-class upbringing with Trump’s privileged background. She mentioned Project 2025, a right-wing policy template, which she claimed outlines Trump’s dangerous plans for cutting Social Security and Medicare. The rally, attended by diverse supporters, featured Nevada’s Democratic senators and congresspeople denouncing Project 2025 and discussing the importance of the election for freedom, including the right to abortion.

The event was a show of force for Harris, who is facing a tight race against Trump in Nevada, a state that she cannot afford to lose. With Trump leading in Georgia and Arizona, Nevada has become increasingly crucial to Harris’ path to victory. Polls have shown a turnaround for Harris in Nevada compared to Biden’s numbers before he withdrew from the race, with the vice president now leading within the margin of error. Harris acknowledged the challenges ahead and the importance of hard work in the coming weeks leading to Election Day.

Some Republicans in Nevada are confident that Trump will prevail in the state, citing economic recovery and Republican inroads with Latino voters as factors in his potential victory. However, Nevada Democrats believe that Harris is poised to benefit from the economic recovery that has begun, asserting that people do not want to change leadership mid-stream when things are looking positive. Despite the potential challenges, Harris remains committed to her campaign in Nevada, aiming to secure the state and build momentum heading into the election.

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