The settlement comes after the survivors accused the government of negligence in investigating the complaints against Nassar, who was convicted of sexually abusing hundreds of young women under the guise of medical treatment. The settlement, which is nearing $100 million, will be divided among nearly 100 survivors of Nassar’s abuse. The Justice Department has agreed to the settlement with the survivors, who will receive compensation for the harm they suffered and the government’s failure to properly investigate the allegations.

The settlement marks a significant step towards justice for the survivors of Nassar’s abuse, many of whom have been fighting for accountability and restitution for years. The survivors, who were victims of Nassar’s heinous crimes, will finally receive some form of compensation for the trauma they endured. The settlement is also a recognition of the government’s failure to properly investigate the allegations against Nassar, and provides some measure of closure for the survivors who have been seeking justice for years.

The settlement with the Justice Department is a significant victory for the survivors of Nassar’s abuse, who have been fighting for justice and accountability for years. The survivors, who were victims of Nassar’s heinous crimes, will finally receive some form of compensation for the harm they suffered. The settlement also represents a recognition of the government’s failure to properly investigate the complaints against Nassar, and provides some measure of closure for the survivors who have been seeking justice for years.

The settlement with the Justice Department is a major step towards accountability and restitution for the survivors of Nassar’s abuse, many of whom have been fighting for justice for years. The survivors, who were victims of Nassar’s despicable acts, will finally receive some form of compensation for the pain and suffering they endured. The settlement also highlights the government’s failure to properly investigate the allegations against Nassar, and serves as a step towards closure for the survivors who have been seeking justice for a long time.

The settlement with the Justice Department is a significant development in the long-standing legal battle over Nassar’s abuse, which has been the subject of numerous lawsuits and investigations. The survivors of Nassar’s abuse, who have been seeking justice for years, will finally receive some form of compensation for the harm they suffered. The settlement also serves as a recognition of the government’s failure to properly investigate the complaints against Nassar, and provides a measure of closure for the survivors who have been fighting for justice.

Overall, the near $100 million settlement with the Justice Department is a significant victory for the survivors of Nassar’s abuse, who have been fighting for justice and accountability for years. The survivors will finally receive some form of compensation for the trauma they endured, and the settlement represents a recognition of the government’s failure to properly investigate the allegations against Nassar. While the settlement cannot undo the harm caused by Nassar’s abuse, it serves as a step towards accountability and restitution for the survivors who have been seeking justice for a long time.

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